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Thread: It does snow in Scotland

  1. #1
    Moderator Donald's Avatar
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    It does snow in Scotland

    A couple of weeks ago, one member expressed surprised that it snows in Scotland. In fact I managed to get almost the length of Scotland yesterday when the roads were again opened ... only to get stuck in a drift outside my house.

    But here's the visual evidence.

    Your comments and critique will always be welcomed

    Castle Varrich, Tongue, Sutherland

    It does snow in Scotland
    Last edited by Donald; 4th March 2018 at 08:23 AM.

  2. #2

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    Re: It does snow in Scotland

    This naturally raises the questions: Where were you standing and why did they build their castle where they did?

  3. #3
    Moderator Donald's Avatar
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    Re: It does snow in Scotland

    I was standing on the causeway that crosses the Kyle (Fjord) of Tongue. The castle provides a vantage point down the Kyle of Tongue and out to sea and also to the land (in case they try and come behind you). With sea being the main forms of transport at the time, you could see who was coming to raid and pillage you.

    Any thoughts about the image?
    Last edited by Donald; 4th March 2018 at 10:30 AM.

  4. #4

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    Re: It does snow in Scotland

    Quote Originally Posted by Donald View Post
    I was standing on the causeway that crosses the Kyle (Fjord) of Tongue. The castle provides a vantage point down the Kyle of Tongue and out to sea and also to the land (in case they try and come behind you). With sea being the main forms of transport at the time, you could see who was coming to raid and pillage you.

    Any thoughts about the image?
    the first is that you were right to take this shot.

    the second that comes to mind is that It looks like an icing sugar frosting of snow. Could you bring out the frosting look?

    Number three is that the shot doesn't flow(?) The sky and clouds are almost in opposition to the mountains, castle and cliffs.

    I scrolled the shot down so that that most of the cliff was out of the shot and for my eyes that was a more together shot

    There is a shot in a monthly competition (that I won't name) where the clouds land and water make an incredibly powerful shot because they all work together. This shot (to my way of thinking) needs some of that togetherness.

  5. #5
    Shadowman's Avatar
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    Re: It does snow in Scotland

    Nicely composed, the sky looks a bit gritty and the mass in the middle which might be partial clouds in shadow looks a bit sooty; however it does help push the peak into looking at a distance.

  6. #6
    LePetomane's Avatar
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    Re: It does snow in Scotland

    Donald, that was me. Beautiful photograph. That could pass for something in the Tetons here in Wyoming.

  7. #7
    Moderator Donald's Avatar
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    Re: It does snow in Scotland

    Quote Originally Posted by LePetomane View Post
    Donald, that was me. Beautiful photograph. That could pass for something in the Tetons here in Wyoming.
    I didn't want to say who it was.

    That is exactly the thoughts going through my head as I pressed the shutter. I have been fortunate to see the Tetons. A wonderful and magnificent sight they are.

  8. #8

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    Re: It does snow in Scotland

    Hi Donald, this is a wonderful image. The rough and majestic mountains make that castle appear very small but yet it doesn't get lost in the image. In the foreground it appears that there is a sudden and steep drop, this makes me want to see more of what is down there. I do find though that the sky is a bit gritty looking. A bit of gritty sky isn't going to spoil an already beautiful image.

  9. #9

    Re: It does snow in Scotland

    Hi Donald:

    I guess that they have good snow moving equipment in Scotland if you were able to drive about uninhibited, perhaps better than down south.

    First of all I do like the image, but I would love to see a version (if there is one) taking the image down to include the sea. I would make the castle much smaller but that would reinforce the smallness of man's works against such majestic scenery.

  10. #10
    LePetomane's Avatar
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    Re: It does snow in Scotland

    Quote Originally Posted by Donald View Post
    I have been fortunate to see the Tetons. A wonderful and magnificent sight they are.
    Now you need to come to the north central region of our beautiful state and see the Bighorns.

  11. #11
    Moderator Donald's Avatar
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    Re: It does snow in Scotland

    Quote Originally Posted by LePetomane View Post
    Now you need to come to the north central region of our beautiful state and see the Bighorns.
    Oh, dear Lord. How I'd love to do that.

  12. #12
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    Re: It does snow in Scotland

    Quote Originally Posted by Donald View Post
    Oh, dear Lord. How I'd love to do that.
    Bring a fly rod too.

  13. #13
    wilgk's Avatar
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    Re: It does snow in Scotland

    Just like NZ only more so!
    A very tricky image to bring out the best in each element in the exposure range.
    The wee building gives great relative size perspective.

  14. #14
    Wavelength's Avatar
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    Re: It does snow in Scotland

    Great image

  15. #15

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    Re: It does snow in Scotland

    Just great.
    Cheers Ole

  16. #16
    sachtjen's Avatar
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    Re: It does snow in Scotland

    I'm a little torn on the cliff. On the one hand, from a story telling standpoint the cliff is a major part of the story. Especially after your explanation, the cliff (or rather the Kyle below it) is the reason for the castle to be there. On the other hand, from a purely aesthetic standpoint I find it distracting. My eyes are drawn to the cliff. I keep looking for details hidden in the dark shadows.

    When I crop just below the castle, the story changes. In my minds eye, the castle is no longer anywhere near the sea. However, my eyes are now drawn much more to the mountains behind the castle. Suddenly this became a picture of a castle at the foothills of a mountain instead of a castle at the top of a cliff.

    It does snow in Scotland

    Lest I get too focused on one detail, overall I think it's a fantastic shot. The little castle makes the shot. Rather it's a castle at the top of a cliff, at the foothills of a mountain or both, it would be a much less interesting photo without it.

    EDIT: Flipping back and forth I don't know that my crop is an improvement at all, but I still find it interesting how the "story" changes with and without the cliff.
    Last edited by sachtjen; 7th March 2018 at 01:31 AM.

  17. #17
    Cantab's Avatar
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    Re: It does snow in Scotland

    Donald, the image works for me: powerful and bleak.

    But where's the photo of your car stuck in snow back home?

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