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Thread: Great Image Detail In Focused Stacked Images

  1. #21
    DanK's Avatar
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    Re: Great Image Detail In Focused Stacked Images

    Back to the original topic--it's been years since I read about the algorithms used in focus stacking, but if I recall correctly, they don't increase detail in any plane already in focus. Rather, they attempt to pick out the in-focus areas from each image in the stack (the various algorithms do this differently) and then composite them. If I am right, the appearance of additional detail is just a result of having so much of the final image in focus.

    In much the same way, I played around years ago doing macro with apertures that clearly cause diffraction--e.g., a nominal f-stop of 22 (an effective f-stop much higher) on an APS-C camera. Doing this with a deep subject, e.g., a flower that is large front-to-back, creates an image that strikes people as sharp, even though the focal plan is less sharp than it would be at a smaller aperture, because so much more of the image as a whole is roughly in focus.

    If I have this (the first part) wrong, please correct me.

  2. #22

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    Re: Great Image Detail In Focused Stacked Images

    Quote Originally Posted by DanK View Post
    Back to the original topic--it's been years since I read about the algorithms used in focus stacking, but if I recall correctly, they don't increase detail in any plane already in focus. Rather, they attempt to pick out the in-focus areas from each image in the stack (the various algorithms do this differently) and then composite them. If I am right, the appearance of additional detail is just a result of having so much of the final image in focus.

    In much the same way, I played around years ago doing macro with apertures that clearly cause diffraction--e.g., a nominal f-stop of 22 (an effective f-stop much higher) on an APS-C camera. Doing this with a deep subject, e.g., a flower that is large front-to-back, creates an image that strikes people as sharp, even though the focal plane is less sharp than it would be at a smaller aperture, because so much more of the image as a whole is roughly in focus.

    If I have this (the first part) wrong, please correct me.
    Sounds right - my App does something like that, it cuts the OOF bits out of a stack then fuses the stack.

  3. #23

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    Re: Great Image Detail In Focused Stacked Images

    Richard, every time I come back here to read a new comment I have to remind myself that this is a miniature and not a real city. Kudos to the builders and to you for capturing it so well.

  4. #24
    rpcrowe's Avatar
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    Re: Great Image Detail In Focused Stacked Images

    There is wonderful attention to detail everywhere in the layout. Look at this house under construction and imagine how much effort and time went into replicating a real house being built...
    Great Image Detail In Focused Stacked Images

  5. #25

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    Re: Great Image Detail In Focused Stacked Images

    and skill.

  6. #26
    rpcrowe's Avatar
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    Re: Great Image Detail In Focused Stacked Images

    Quote Originally Posted by JBW View Post
    and skill.
    and imagination

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