Hello Everyone,
I need help!!!! I am doing an online course and trying to work out the details and just not getting it. Our assignment is to test our camera by doing a zone test and work out the limits of our camera. I have done the grey card test and come up with the numbers from 0 0 0 through to 255 255 255, however I am not seeing the point. I guess this is one of the disadvantages of the digital era where everything can be done post production and knowing these details is not as important as it used to be.
My questions are: (apologies...here is where the stupid questions come

1. Should I be metering the camera for every session?
2. How do I meter the camera, should I have it on Custom White Balance to meter?
3. From the numbers (of the grey card test) how do I tell if my camera likes the darks or the lights better?
Just waiting for the light bulb to come on....any second now!!
I have a Canon 7d. Please correct me if I am wrong...this test is to get correct exposure every time by knowing where the camera sits in the range and then adjusting the settings accordingly.
I really, really want to have a good understanding of the camera, gosh, who would have thought there was this much to it!
Thank you, thank you in advance and hoping someone can get this through to me!!