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Thread: Cristiana 3 - Unmasked

  1. #1
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Cristiana 3 - Unmasked

    In this shot, we see Cristiana without a mask on. In this shot, I was trying to produce a shot that had some dimensionality with lighting that would show the transparency of the top she was wearing and make it look more three-dimensional.

    While I didn't quite get the shot I wanted, I'm still quite pleased with the look. I used two strip boxes that were behind her to create some strong edge lighting to separate her from the black background. The front lighting is from a white beauty dish along with a white reflector just outside of the frame on the left hand side and below the frame.

    I've also included a rendering showing the lighting I was shooting with.

    Cristiana 3 - Unmasked

    Lighting setup rendering:

    Cristiana 3 - Unmasked

  2. #2
    Shadowman's Avatar
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    Re: Cristiana 3 - Unmasked

    Nicely done, thanks for the diagram as well.

  3. #3
    ST1's Avatar
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    Re: Cristiana 3 - Unmasked

    Nice work Manfred, I must have missed one of this series I shall have to look for those I've missed. Your choice of lighting works and your diagram explains it for me.

  4. #4
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: Cristiana 3 - Unmasked

    Quote Originally Posted by ST1 View Post
    Nice work Manfred, I must have missed one of this series I shall have to look for those I've missed. Your choice of lighting works and your diagram explains it for me.
    Thanks Peter. While I do have some formal studio training (back in 2012), most of that work involved a single active studio flash with a light modifier and a passive fill light (reflector).

    I really had not done a lot of studio work with experienced models and multi-light work until about 10 months ago. I've been shooting about twice a month since then am doing a fair bit of work in getting to understand the principles of the different genres. I started down this path in order to strengthen my street photography (mostly to learn how to communicate and direct the subject), but have found this to be something to keep me shooting during the times of year where outdoor work is a bit more challenging.

  5. #5
    skitterbug's Avatar
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    Re: Cristiana 3 - Unmasked

    I like this one. For some reason the ones with the masks just didn't work for me. I probably ought to pull them up side by side and see why they are off putting but I think this one draws me because she is more "open", if that makes sense.

    Yep, comparing the three, the Venetian carnival mask one is intriguing but I still like this one best. Your work, as always, is excellent.

  6. #6

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    Re: Cristiana 3 - Unmasked

    Very nice Manfred, I am only a little bit 'puzzled' (confused, can't find the right word here...) about the 'wrincles' on her thigh.
    Last edited by rudi; 11th March 2018 at 01:47 PM. Reason: spelling

  7. #7
    pschlute's Avatar
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    Re: Cristiana 3 - Unmasked

    Great portrait Manfred, and thanks for the detailed diagram.

    I had not noticed her thigh until Rudi mentioned it. is it a tattoo ?

  8. #8
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: Cristiana 3 - Unmasked

    Quote Originally Posted by pschlute View Post
    I had not noticed her thigh until Rudi mentioned it. is it a tattoo ?
    No tatoos there. What you are seeing are shadows from the material of the top she was wearing. The only tattoo that I saw was a small one on the finger of her left hand, and that can be seen in this shot.


  9. #9
    rpcrowe's Avatar
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    Re: Cristiana 3 - Unmasked

    Neat image of a lovely lady. One of my photo clubs has frequent seminars about how to communicate with models which I think I may attend...

    I do learn a lot (both pro and con) from observing other photographers interaction with models...

  10. #10
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: Cristiana 3 - Unmasked

    Quote Originally Posted by rpcrowe View Post
    Neat image of a lovely lady. One of my photo clubs has frequent seminars about how to communicate with models which I think I may attend...

    I do learn a lot (both pro and con) from observing other photographers interaction with models...
    That is a skill that is definitely worth learning and is part of the reason I started to get into studio photography around 9 months ago. I had initially thought that this would be something I could apply to my street photography (something I have definitely seen other street photographers do from time to time was to direct the subject).

    Communicating with the model has a number of aspects to it and perhaps the most important one is figuring out the model's personality and using that to help with the directing. Some models want a general view of what the photographers want and run through a set of poses based on that thought, others are more collaborative and try different things with a review of the shots to see how they are working, others work well in more of a roll-playing type situation. Obviously experienced models are different to work with than ones who are just starting out.

    The one common thread that I have found is that models all need positive re-enforcement and feedback, regardless of how long they have been in this line of work. Click with a model and figure out what works for her is really a winning combination for the photographer. That's an area I am still learning, but after 10 months of shooting, I am slowing getting more confident and more skilled at it.

  11. #11
    rpcrowe's Avatar
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    Re: Cristiana 3 - Unmasked

    IMO... there are certainly some females who are more photogenic than others. I was in the supermarket yesterday and a young lady (perhaps in her early twenties) was in front of me on line. She exuded grace and I just know that they would have been a great model. She was not beautiful but had that certain "IT" that I am sure would have made her exceptionally photogenic.

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