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15th March 2018, 09:26 AM
2018 Project 52, by martynjc, first quarter
I have just joined the forum so am in catch up mode for this project. I hope this will encourage me to stretch. Please bear with me as I get to grips with posting pictures (not totally familiar with the 'Lytebox' feature).
My target is to post a picture each week to encourage me to get out there are take photo's instead of ruminating on the technicalities. Too much have I placed emphasis on PP and sitting at my computer.
So my theme will be to avoid excessive PP and aim to capture and present what appears in from my my eyes.
So my first picture actually taken in February 2018 is:
Equipment: Nikon D810, Tamron SP 24-135mm 1:3.5-5.6 AF no flash
Exposure: 1/320th @ f8 , ISO 3600
Focal length: 135mm FX

Taken in our back garden - a sign of new life after the winter in the UK. I just love the delicacy of the flowers.
Last edited by martynjc; 15th March 2018 at 12:47 PM.
15th March 2018, 10:02 AM
Re: 2018 Project 52, by martynjc, first quarter
That is a beautiful image. Excellent DoF. The simplicity of the image is its strength. A limited pallete of colour. Nothing jarring. Lovely.
15th March 2018, 04:32 PM
Re: 2018 Project 52, by martynjc, first quarter
Hi Martyn - Lovely picture! Makes me anxious for spring. Our flowers are only brave enough to be about half way out of the ground! (Ohio USA)
Is this a crocus? it definitely has beautiful colours.
Hope you enjoy the P52 challenge. It is a fun project!
15th March 2018, 05:25 PM
Re: 2018 Project 52, by martynjc, first quarter
Welcome to CIC Martyn. I like the picture but like your target/theme even more
15th March 2018, 07:06 PM
Re: 2018 Project 52, by martynjc, first quarter
Why ISO 3600? That is quite high for a daylight shot.
15th March 2018, 07:30 PM
Re: 2018 Project 52, by martynjc, first quarter
The other settings aren't excessive, but ideally I would have lowered the Iso a little even if that mean't a slower shutter speed, subject to not getting wind rock problems. However, glossy flowers are usually easier to photograph under dull conditions without any direct sunshine so I expect that is what has happened here. There is a bit of noise in the background but not a serious issue.
Personally, I would have removed that dead flower at the base before shooting.
16th March 2018, 09:05 AM
Re: 2018 Project 52, by martynjc, first quarter
Thank you for the critical comments - I will be accepting all criticisms which is how I learn. I’ll try and cover a couple of points. The ISO is rather high though the D810 seems not to have introduced much noise to its credit. This was necessary because of the dim light on the day, I think it was reaching toward late afternoon. I wanted to keep enough DoF for most of the flowers to be in focus but flatten the image using a longer focal length. The rest was physics really.
I take on-board removing the dead flower!
It was one of the first crocus - well spotted.
More to come - spring daffodils maybe!
16th March 2018, 09:38 AM
Re: 2018 Project 52, by martynjc, first quarter
Hi Martyn,
Welcome to the forum and nice start to sharing your images and your challenge.
16th March 2018, 10:35 PM
Re: 2018 Project 52, by martynjc, first quarter
Friday 16 March, 2018
An experimental piece today. My view home this evening, London UK.
This is almost abstract and breaks the rules of not doing much PP but I like breaking my own rules. It took me about five minutes editing to produce this image, all on my phone.
Camera: Apple Iphone 7+
Exposure: f2.8 @ 1/249th sec
17th March 2018, 12:58 AM
Re: 2018 Project 52, by martynjc, first quarter
Nicely composed and processed.
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