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Thread: Grading images to competition levels with professional standards

  1. #1
    Moderator Donald's Avatar
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    Grading images to competition levels with professional standards

    Last year I secured a Licentiate from the Society of Photographers, under the Nature and Wildlife category. And mightly proud was I.

    I am now aiming to get to the standard for Associateship of the Society. On its webpage it says, about the Associateship - "At this standard, we are viewing images that not only display a high degree of technical ability, but also portray imagination and creativity in execution and presentation. These are important factors that often go hand in hand with higher prices as this qualification is held by the top 10% of practitioners, who coincidentally are often impressive image-makers and astute businessmen."

    Well, got to aim high.

    I have recently submitted a portfolio of 20 images for mentoring. This is a important part of the preparations of the portfolio that will go to the awards panel. I foresee myself submitting at least 4 or 5 portfolios for mentoring before going for the award.

    My God, the standard is high. I am very pleased with what the mentor has said about my photography and I have every reason to be pleased. But .......! There are lots of technical issues to do with finishing the images (processing) that I need to be more careful about. Halos - I thought I was very careful about getting rid of halos. But the mentor saw so many more that I had seen. His suggestions about darkening images are just so right, I get angry that I didn't see it.

    But, I am enjoying this so much. I know this is stretching me and I know the standard of my work is improving leaps and bounds. If you have the chance for mentoring by a professional who is at the top of his/her game and wants to coach other photographers, don't even think about - do it.
    Last edited by Donald; 17th March 2018 at 07:36 PM.

  2. #2
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: Grading images to competition levels with professional standards

    I'm glad this is going well for you Donald.

    Having mentored others (not just in photography), one of the most important consideration is that there has to be a level of personal affinity for the relation to work well. Unless you and the mentor are "on the same wavelength", things will not go as well as they should. Photographically, you need to have similar "values". If you are more of a fine art photographer and you get to work with someone with a more commercial direction, the relationship may not be ideal.

    The advice I have given photographers who are looking for a mentor is that they should look at the mentor's work. If they like what he or she are doing, then there is a good chance that the relationship can work. If it doesn't, why would you want to work with someone whose work you don't like?

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    Moderator Donald's Avatar
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    Re: Grading images to competition levels with professional standards

    The thing is Manfred, that I submit my work to the Mentoring programme and it's the Society's office that assigns the Mentor. It could be any one of the list of Mentors, some of who are more inclined to wards the aesthetic and some more the technical.

    But if a person is able to choose there own mentor, then, yes, I agree with you.

    I think that the person in charge of the mentoring programme probably has a good idea of who would be a good mentor based upon the images that the member submits.

  4. #4
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: Grading images to competition levels with professional standards

    In that case it is less of a mentoring program and more of a review and critique process?

  5. #5
    Shadowman's Avatar
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    Re: Grading images to competition levels with professional standards


    Would you be receptive to a mentor who steered you towards one genre over another? For instance, if your mentor also saw your street photography, additional question does any of your images include SP?; as well as your landscapes and the mentor suggested you concentrate on one genre over another would you consider the mentor's opinion or think such a suggestion would be out of line?

  6. #6
    Moderator Donald's Avatar
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    Re: Grading images to competition levels with professional standards

    Quote Originally Posted by Shadowman View Post
    Would you be receptive to a mentor who steered you towards one genre over another? For instance, if your mentor also saw your street photography, additional question does any of your images include SP?; as well as your landscapes and the mentor suggested you concentrate on one genre over another would you consider the mentor's opinion or think such a suggestion would be out of line?
    I don't know the answer to that, John, as I don't do work in any other genre. And if I did it would not be submitted with the landscape stuff I do.

    I am not sure if a mentor would suggest concentrating on one genre over another. That is not really the role of a mentor, as far as I understand it.

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    Moderator Donald's Avatar
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    Re: Grading images to competition levels with professional standards

    Quote Originally Posted by Manfred M View Post
    In that case it is less of a mentoring program and more of a review and critique process?
    I think it is a lot more than a review and critique process. But whatever it is, it is constantly challenging me and helping me to improve my images.

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    Re: Grading images to competition levels with professional standards

    Quote Originally Posted by Donald View Post
    I don't know the answer to that, John, as I don't do work in any other genre. And if I did it would not be submitted with the landscape stuff I do.

    I am not sure if a mentor would suggest concentrating on one genre over another. That is not really the role of a mentor, as far as I understand it.
    Hi Donald,

    I asked because I showed some of my work to two local professionals, which included architecture, landscape, street, and glamour shots, and each suggested I concentrate on specific genres and perhaps not show specific subjects (one was for street and the other glamour and both suggested I not show my architectural shots), one photographer felt architecture was an overdone genre and the other thought my work had too much of an HDR feel to it. Neither suggestion will deter me from pursuing my love of architecture photography but the comments might make me more selective as to who I show that type of work. The irony of the photographer's comment about the HDR look is I don't in that style, meaning I rarely shoot multiple exposures for HDR as my architecture usually has movement within the composition and blending moving subjects just doesn't work for me.

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    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: Grading images to competition levels with professional standards

    Quote Originally Posted by Donald View Post
    But whatever it is, it is constantly challenging me and helping me to improve my images.
    That is the key!

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    rpcrowe's Avatar
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    Re: Grading images to competition levels with professional standards

    Before I would give any serious attention to the comments of any mentor or judge, I would want to see his or her work to decide for myself if I have enough respect for that work to take any criticism seriously...

    Additionally, before I would put a lot a work into achieving any certification or degree I would want to see in which ways that certification or degree would benefit me, professionally, economically or personally.

    Just giving me a good feeling would certainly be enough reason to opt for a degree or certification.

    The same goes for membership in any organization; be that organization professional or fraternal.

    I am eligible to join the Sons of The American Revolution, Sons of the Confederacy and the Sons of the Republic of Texas. I have opted not to join any of these because the membership would not benefit me professionally, personally or socially. However, if I were a professional living in Texas, I would definitely opt to join the Sons of the Republic of Texas because of the extensive contacts that would allow me.

  11. #11
    Moderator Donald's Avatar
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    Re: Grading images to competition levels with professional standards

    Quote Originally Posted by rpcrowe View Post
    Before I would give any serious attention to the comments of any mentor or judge, I would want to see his or her work to decide for myself if I have enough respect for that work to take any criticism seriously...
    I have had a look at his website. His work is jaw-dropping.

    Quote Originally Posted by rpcrowe View Post
    Additionally, before I would put a lot a work into achieving any certification or degree I would want to see in which ways that certification or degree would benefit me, professionally, economically or personally.
    To know that I can produce, consistently, work at the highest levels, to learn and improve. These are the reasons why I do this. For those who earn their living from photography, an Associateship enhances their earning potential quite markedly.

  12. #12
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: Grading images to competition levels with professional standards

    Quote Originally Posted by Donald View Post
    I have had a look at his website. His work is jaw-dropping
    Any chance that you could share that link?

  13. #13
    Moderator Donald's Avatar
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    Re: Grading images to competition levels with professional standards

    Quote Originally Posted by Manfred M View Post
    Any chance that you could share that link?
    It is: -

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    Re: Grading images to competition levels with professional standards

    Sounds like you have found the next step on your journey. Go for it.

  15. #15
    wilgk's Avatar
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    Re: Grading images to competition levels with professional standards

    A truly wonderful opportunity & so glad to hear that you are doing this.

  16. #16
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: Grading images to competition levels with professional standards

    Quote Originally Posted by Donald View Post
    Thanks. Perhaps we can persuade Peter into convincing you to try more colour work?

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