Canon supplies a printed manual with the 6D Mark.ii camera. The manual is a handy size for a camera vest or camera bag. Approximately 5 3/4 inches by 4 1/4 inches. it is also one inch thick...
However, in addition to the English language version, this manual is combined with the French and Spanish versions. I don't think that anyone would need all three language versions at one time. However, to carry a version in a single language (to reduce the weight and bulk), the camera owner would need to physically rip off the other language versions leaving a single language manual which would fall apart into individual pages.
The printed English version of the manual is abbreviated and contains less information than the online PDF version. I perused the printed version and the PDF version concurrently and there is significantly less information available.
Sure, if I wanted a full printed manual, I could print out the PDF version but, then I would have a letter sized manual.
Originally, the 6D2 sold here in the USA for about two thousand U.S. Dollars. How much would a full printed manual in the smaller size of the present printed manual have cost Canon? A minuscule fraction of the purchase price. Especialy since they already have a fully formatted PDF version.
This just goes to show how cheap the "Canon Gods" were when they introduced this camera. Perhaps that is why they just took the 80D focusing system and plopped it down to occupy only a portion of the 6D2 sensor and perhaps that is why there is no 4K video except for time lapse.
I would, in fact like to purchase a full manual printed in the 5 3/4 inch x 4 1/4 inch size. Especially if printed in color, However, since it is not available, I have purchased a Kindle version of the David Busch's book on the 6D2.
This is a really nice camera that has some very annoying foibles. The user manual problem is not the main problem but, is an indication of Canon's thoughts and ideas about giving us the least for the most money. BTW: they must have been smoking wacky-weed when they thought the camera would sell for its original MSRRP of two grand. It took a almost immediate nose dive in price through sales and rebates. I paid about $1,300 for the camera and got a Canon battery grip, a 64 GB Sandisk card and a Canon Pixma Pro 100 printer plus 50 sheets of large Canon paper at that price...