I can assure you, Manfred, that I am on the other extreme of what one would call a "techie"
I am, however, a cynic who is wary of the "benefits" which commercial entities bestow on us. Particularly grating is the camera OEM's practice of holding back features indefinitely so that they can milk their current market cash cows for as along as they possibly can (great business practice but when I'm on the other end, it's not so pleasant). If cameras were Open Source, we can be sure that we would have all been using effective full-frame mirrorless devices years ago! And then, of course, there's Big A's undeniable exploitation of the inertia of their considerable user base.
I'm not an evangelical missionary; I have no need to satisfy a "convert" quota. Nonetheless, I'm passionate about sharing what I've discovered with others who are as frustrated and who feel the same sense of being backed into a corner as I once was and did.