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Thread: Sony Alpha a68 First Impressions

  1. #1

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    Sony Alpha a68 First Impressions

    It is very much a new version of the a58. A few new bells and whistles, heavier, solider feeling in my hand. The layout is close enough to feel comfortable and different enough that I have to read the manual and look things up on the web.

    Tomorrow I'll actually take some shots and then we can test the pudding.


  2. #2
    Shadowman's Avatar
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    Re: Sony Alpha a68 First Impressions


    From what I saw in the comparisons of the two models, the extra focus points will be the kicker, the extra resolution is okay but going from 3 to __ focus points will really help you with the macro.

  3. #3

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    Re: Sony Alpha a68 First Impressions

    Quote Originally Posted by Shadowman View Post

    From what I saw in the comparisons of the two models, the extra focus points will be the kicker, the extra resolution is okay but going from 3 to __ focus points will really help you with the macro.
    and greater sensitivity in less than well lit shots will be a bonus for my slow shutter speed passion

  4. #4
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: Sony Alpha a68 First Impressions

    Quote Originally Posted by Shadowman View Post

    From what I saw in the comparisons of the two models, the extra focus points will be the kicker, the extra resolution is okay but going from 3 to __ focus points will really help you with the macro.
    Or more likely screw things up. The problem I have with the multi-point focus is that they screw up a shot more often than not. The physics of photography do not change, regardless of the number of focus points the camera uses; this is still only one focus plane. In shots where there is a shallow depth of field this is little room for error and a single focus point is generally best because the photographer can pick it rather than an in-camera algorithm that I find often picks the wrong focus point.

    With the Sony, Brian will have the focus peaking feature, which will be useful. Manual focus with screen magnification is an even better choice for such fine, narrow DoF work. Shooting tethered and focusing with a large laptop screen is even better.

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    Re: Sony Alpha a68 First Impressions

    Quote Originally Posted by Manfred M View Post
    Or more likely screw things up. The problem I have with the multi-point focus is that they screw up a shot more often than not. The physics of photography do not change, regardless of the number of focus points the camera uses; this is still only one focus plane. In shots where there is a shallow depth of field this is little room for error and a single focus point is generally best because the photographer can pick it rather than an in-camera algorithm that I find often picks the wrong focus point.

    With the Sony, Brian will have the focus peaking feature, which will be useful. Manual focus with screen magnification is an even better choice for such fine, narrow DoF work. Shooting tethered and focusing with a large laptop screen is even better.
    I got and use screen mag, but outside tether5ed for bugs not such a good idea.

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    Re: Sony Alpha a68 First Impressions

    Brian, I have an Olympus e-m1 and a Fujifilm X100f and I never use the squillions of focus points available to me but only one - spot metering.
    Cheers Ole

  7. #7
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: Sony Alpha a68 First Impressions

    Quote Originally Posted by mugge View Post
    Brian, I have an Olympus e-m1 and a Fujifilm X100f and I never use the squillions of focus points available to me but only one - spot metering.
    Cheers Ole
    The metering point(s) and spot metering are completely different operations and settings.

  8. #8
    DanK's Avatar
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    Re: Sony Alpha a68 First Impressions

    I agree with Manfred. Letting the camera choose an AF point generally won’t work with macro. The camera will often choose the wrong point. I rarely use AF for macro, but when I do, it is always single-point.

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  9. #9

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    Re: Sony Alpha a68 First Impressions

    Quote Originally Posted by DanK View Post
    I agree with Manfred. Letting the camera choose an AF point generally won’t work with macro. The camera will often choose the wrong point. I rarely use AF for macro, but when I do, it is always single-point.

    Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
    For macro work I do manual focus. For closeups it depends upon the subject.

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