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Thread: Project 52: Week 16, not a grouse in sight

  1. #1
    billtils's Avatar
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    Project 52: Week 16, not a grouse in sight

    A couple of days ago I was up and about at 04:30 to photograph a Black Grouse lek. Just one wee problem, it was organised for bird watchers and despite assurances to the contrary, turned out to be well out of (worthwhile) rage of the FF + 600mm combo. However, the rest of the day proved more fruitful.

    The location (near Schiehallion) produced a few decent shots as the sun broke the horizon:

    1: Tree catching the sunlight

    Project 52:  Week 16, not a grouse in sight

    2: Birdwatchers doing the same

    Project 52:  Week 16, not a grouse in sight

    I also caught these two insects taking advantage of my car as a resting place. I have no idea what they are,though.

    3: Fly (well, at least it has wings ...)

    Project 52:  Week 16, not a grouse in sight

    4: Hairy thing

    Project 52:  Week 16, not a grouse in sight

    The rest of the day was spent touring the surrounding area

    5: Another hairy thing, but a lot larger

    Project 52:  Week 16, not a grouse in sight

    There were some obliging birds

    6: Siskin

    Project 52:  Week 16, not a grouse in sight

    7: Pheasant

    Project 52:  Week 16, not a grouse in sight

    8: And finally one that's more architecture than nature, from the disused signal box at Rannoch railway station.

    Project 52:  Week 16, not a grouse in sight

  2. #2

    Join Date
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    Re: Project 52: Week 16, not a grouse in sight

    All work well.

    I think #3 is one of the sawflies, but a tricky group to fully identify. #4 is possibly a member of the dung fly family, but another tricky group.

  3. #3
    billtils's Avatar
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    Re: Project 52: Week 16, not a grouse in sight

    Quote Originally Posted by Geoff F View Post
    All work well.

    I think #3 is one of the sawflies, but a tricky group to fully identify. #4 is possibly a member of the dung fly family, but another tricky group.
    Thanks Geoff.

    I used your suggested IDs as a starting point for a web search, and images on agree well enough - I'll update the catalogue accordingly.

  4. #4
    Shadowman's Avatar
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    Re: Project 52: Week 16, not a grouse in sight

    Nice series.

  5. #5

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    Re: Project 52: Week 16, not a grouse in sight

    Good series Bill, liked to see some Grouses off course...I might know the name off the big hairy thing....

    Like your 'Siskin' the best. I would be tempted to crop a little bit from the bottom, and maybe clone out the left OOF stemm, but YMMV....

  6. #6
    billtils's Avatar
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    Re: Project 52: Week 16, not a grouse in sight

    Thanks Rudi.

    I've not given up on the grouse so perhaps one day ...

    Yes, the siskin needs a little cropped off the bottom, but I tend not to clone out things in my nature/wildlife shots becasue I enter some of them in the local club competition and that kind of digital manipulation is not permitted. Even if it is not a competition quality image, I follow those rules as a way to (hopefully) make me more disciplined at "look before I shoot".

    In addition to that, I don't mind the OoF stem as it helps to gives sense of depth to the image.

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