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Thread: Croatian street - C&C please

  1. #1
    davidedric's Avatar
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    Croatian street - C&C please

    This is just a street in Croatia, but very typical of the area. I've been playing around with the light and shadows trying to decide how best to show it. I'd be interested in your ideas, though at the end I guess it mostly a matter of taste.

    DaveCroatian street - C&C please

  2. #2
    Shadowman's Avatar
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    Re: Croatian street - C&C please

    Hi David,

    I see nothing wrong with how this is displayed however the interest seems to be for the viewer to find the light and that takes us immediately out of the alley. If mine I would want the viewer's gaze to linger in the alley if only to admire the brickwork or lighting fixtures, this would've been easily done if shot at a different time of day with lights on or light peaking from doorways, as shown during the time of day you captured the image you'll have to rely a bit on dodging and burning.

  3. #3
    shreds's Avatar
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    Re: Croatian street - C&C please


    Nice capture, that beautifully sums up that 'Adriatic' feel of that part of the World.

    For me, the sky is blown out, unless you have the RAW file that you could recover some semblance of detail up there, as this bright area draws attention from the street itself.

    Cropping just a little above the 'Konoba Rab' sign, would focus more on the vast amount of interesting detail and shadow detail in the street and buildings which in my view is the focus of the photograph. Maybe it would also benefit from someone just walking away around the corner at the top of the street to create a focal point for the whole image?

    …..Just my thr'pence worth.

  4. #4
    Urbanflyer's Avatar
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    Re: Croatian street - C&C please

    In response for your request for c & C---this image has real potential! As noted by others, the sky is where the eye seems to want to enter the photo which is a problem. But the sky is an integral part of the image so one approach is to alter where the eye enters the image. You might consider using a yet wider lens. As wide as you are comfortable with. Not a fisheye, but maybe a 30mm. Aim slightly down so that the street/walkway in the front is wider than the furthest area you see. Then if may be that the eye will be drawn along the pavement and then greet the sky.

    This photo reminds me of Orvieto and other European villages--wonderfully interesting!

  5. #5

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    Re: Croatian street - C&C please

    The top corners are both out of focus so I would crop tighter at the top to lose those areas; which would have a much smaller area of sky and concentrate the scene with less distractions.

  6. #6
    davidedric's Avatar
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    Re: Croatian street - C&C please

    Thanks all for the feedback. I've been trying to think back to when I took it, and I think my idea was "dark alley leading to the light", it was only when I got it back onto the computer that I appreciated the paving and the brickwork. Several lessons there, I think. The sky isn't actually blown, at least according to my monitor, but there just isn't any detail to bering out. (The restaurant was where we ate a couple of times).

    Cheers, Dave

  7. #7

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    Re: Croatian street - C&C please

    I like it, Dave. Those narrow streets are difficult. On the other hand the bright sky above is the reality of the situation. Shade below, hot sun above. I love wandering little towns like that.

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