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Thread: How do I process this shot to look like the moonlit shot it is?

  1. #21

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    Re: How do I process this shot to look like the moonlit shot it is?

    Quote Originally Posted by Manfred M View Post
    If you can see an un-lit outside shed rood in the jungle on the side of the volcano, you have a more vivid imagination than I do.
    I thought at first you had missed the word "artificially" but that can not be so, since it was in my text that you quoted. Now that you are applying "spin" and making cracks about my imagination, I'll butt out and leave the Last Word to you.

  2. #22
    pnodrog's Avatar
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    Re: How do I process this shot to look like the moonlit shot it is?

    Auto WB maybe largely to blame... lowering the colour temperature and perhaps a little tweak of the tint toward the violet could give you a quick adjustment.

    As concluded in another post WB is an absolute but the camera's evaluation is approximate and its adjustment is in the main an aesthetic exercise.
    Last edited by pnodrog; 26th April 2018 at 08:56 PM.

  3. #23

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    Re: How do I process this shot to look like the moonlit shot it is?

    Quote Originally Posted by Manfred M View Post
    Yes they can be, but not necessarily so. These edits alone are not enough to convey what you are trying to do. They need something else to put the image in the context you are looking for.
    Something else is the problem. Wrong part of the sky for a wide deep space star cloud shot behind the house. The new street lights have broken. Wrong lens for a moon shot. Perhaps i couls put a dim light in the house but that would seriously change the shot.

    Perhaps part of the problem here is that for decades I have lived away from cities, even small villages. I see nighttime as dark time. I don't relate night to neon lights and well lit cities.

  4. #24

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    Re: How do I process this shot to look like the moonlit shot it is?

    Quote Originally Posted by pnodrog View Post
    Auto WB maybe largely to blame... lowering the colour temperature and perhaps a little tweak of the tint toward the violet could give you a quick adjustment.

    As concluded in another post WB is an absolute but the camera's evaluation is approximate and its adjustment is in the main an aesthetic exercise.
    I did and it did make a difference.

  5. #25
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: How do I process this shot to look like the moonlit shot it is?

    Quote Originally Posted by JBW View Post
    Something else is the problem. Wrong part of the sky for a wide deep space star cloud shot behind the house. The new street lights have broken. Wrong lens for a moon shot. Perhaps i couls put a dim light in the house but that would seriously change the shot.

    Perhaps part of the problem here is that for decades I have lived away from cities, even small villages. I see nighttime as dark time. I don't relate night to neon lights and well lit cities.
    That makes perfect sense to me Brian!

    I really enjoy it when I get out of the city and away from the light pollution and get to enjoy the sky and the stars. Once the eyes adjust, there is a remarkable amount of light available to see and you don't get the funky colours from the different light sources in the cities and suburbs.

    Unfortunately, it does not happen often enough for me. Sometimes when I get away, the places I go are so polluted that it is impossible to see the sky with all the smoke and haze in the air.

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