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Thread: Been out of the loop for too long...

  1. #1
    ccphoto's Avatar
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    On a Lake Outside of a Real Town
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    Been out of the loop for too long...

    Remodeled a 70's house that was a total gut job (Oct-Mar) but it was on a favored lake where I like to go shooting (next images show why I like this area), and then I had a double minuscus repair to medial and lateral sides as well as a nasty pocket of arthritis cleaned out. It's been almost three weeks and I'm pretty much healed up though there is still some soreness under the patella where the arthritis was.

    Anyway, was able to take the boat out yesterday and go up to the feed end of the lake where all the wild things were. This was a slow day on the lake but soon all the migratory birds will start coming in and it will be a shooting fest for about five weeks...

    Picture heavy but so nice to have a camera back in my hands again where I wasn't shooting out of a car window.

    Tree Swallows

    Been out of the loop for too long...

    Been out of the loop for too long...

    Green Herons

    Been out of the loop for too long...

    Been out of the loop for too long...

    Been out of the loop for too long...

    Been out of the loop for too long...

    Eastern Kingbirds

    Been out of the loop for too long...

    Been out of the loop for too long...

    Great Blue Heron

    Been out of the loop for too long...

    Least Tern (with dinner) He's about the size of a grown man's hand

    Been out of the loop for too long...

    Hog nose Turtle with four Yellow Belly Sliders

    Been out of the loop for too long...

    Nesting Osprey Couple

    Been out of the loop for too long...

    An Anhinga

    Been out of the loop for too long...

    Common Grackle Eating a Dragonfly

    Been out of the loop for too long...
    Last edited by ccphoto; 1st May 2018 at 02:58 AM.

  2. #2

    Join Date
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    Re: Been out of the loop for too long...

    Ouch. Condolences, Chris. For both surgeries, body and house. Hopefully you didn't get any gypsum dust into your photography equipment

    Glad to see you back. Wildlife is getting pretty scarce on CiC

    Nice set of images and quite the variety. You caught the swallows and anhinga on really photogenic perches. Love the complimentary grey BG also in the anhinga shot. Green herons are such pretty birds. If they are resident around there I'll be interested to see what you do with them in future. And no doubt the osprey nest will be interesting for a few weeks to come. Nice captures of the king birds. That's a species I've never seen in real life. Overall a nice set here. Thanks for sharing.

    Yes if this is representative of what's around there I can see why you went through the trouble on the remodel.

  3. #3
    Moderator Donald's Avatar
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    Just add 'MacKenzie'

    Re: Been out of the loop for too long...

    Good to have you back Chris.

  4. #4
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: Been out of the loop for too long...

    Welcome back Chris,

    All the best, Dave

    Tried to pick a favourite, but couldn't!

  5. #5
    Shadowman's Avatar
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    Re: Been out of the loop for too long...

    Welcome back and nice set of images to mark your return.

  6. #6
    Wavelength's Avatar
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    Re: Been out of the loop for too long...

    So lovely....envious

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