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Thread: Tammie Starr

  1. #1
    rpcrowe's Avatar
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    Tammie Starr

    I enjoyed shooting with Tammie last night in Balboa Park, San Diego. Tammie is a professional model who models for plus-size woman's clothing. She is the primary model for a Chinese company that is going to introduce a line of clothing aimed at larger sized women.

    Canon 6D Mark-2, 70-200mm f/4L IS lens. Canon 600EX-RT flash on a Stroboflash camera flip bracket and an off camera sync cord...

    Tammie Starr

    Tammie Starr

  2. #2
    Shadowman's Avatar
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    Re: Tammie Starr

    Interesting that you either chose to do portraits or only display the portraits rather than the fashion, when I was doing the fashion shoot this weekend I did the same for some shots; I felt why not get the experience while I had the chance although I usually do get the chance when doing street photography but at least in the studio I had some control of the light. Nice captures.

  3. #3
    rpcrowe's Avatar
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    Re: Tammie Starr

    I consciously avoided anything except headshots because I did not like the way she looked in the outfits that she was wearing... My philosophy has always been to accentuate to most positive aspects of a person while attempting to avoid any negative aspects.

    IMO, Tammie has beautiful eyes and I wanted to showcase her eyes...

  4. #4
    shreds's Avatar
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    Re: Tammie Starr


    Is that why the bottom right hand corner of shot 2 is 'yellowed' out? I think I would have compromised including the necklace rather than trying to mask the outfit?

    Otherwise, I like the captures and the lighting/angles. Did you consider going completely off camera with the strobes on independently mounted stands and fired remotely with the likes of Pocket Wizards? Or was that not possible?

  5. #5
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: Tammie Starr

    Quote Originally Posted by rpcrowe View Post
    My philosophy has always been to accentuate to most positive aspects of a person while attempting to avoid any negative aspects.
    I agree 100% - very similar to my philosophy when shooting people. Everyone has a positive aspect about them and if I can't bring it out in my image making, I won't show the shot.

  6. #6
    rpcrowe's Avatar
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    Re: Tammie Starr

    Quote Originally Posted by shreds View Post

    Is that why the bottom right hand corner of shot 2 is 'yellowed' out? I think I would have compromised including the necklace rather than trying to mask the outfit?

    Otherwise, I like the captures and the lighting/angles. Did you consider going completely off camera with the strobes on independently mounted stands and fired remotely with the likes of Pocket Wizards? Or was that not possible?
    No, the yellow "mask" was the sleeve of one of her outfits... You can see a bit of the outfit peeking up in this image...

    Tammie Starr

    Knowing that this was her outfit, my mind just didn't make the jump to what someone who was not familiar with the outfit would thing when he/she viewed the yellow.

  7. #7
    lovelife65's Avatar
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    Re: Tammie Starr

    Unfortunately Richard, I am never able to see the images you post. Always just have a question mark at said image on Safari, and just the title of the image on firefox... and clicking on it does nothing but spin.
    Not sure the story. (I was a database engineer for 15 years, so I understand computers ;-)).

  8. #8
    lovelife65's Avatar
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    Re: Tammie Starr

    Quote Originally Posted by lovelife65 View Post
    Unfortunately Richard, I am never able to see the images you post. Always just have a question mark at said image on Safari, and just the title of the image on firefox... and clicking on it does nothing but spin.
    Not sure the story. (I was a database engineer for 15 years, so I understand computers ;-)).
    Actually duh, I finally just figured it out. The photographs are links from smug mug... seems our network firewall blocks smug mug. Must go fix. Phew

  9. #9
    rpcrowe's Avatar
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    Re: Tammie Starr

    Quote Originally Posted by lovelife65 View Post
    Actually duh, I finally just figured it out. The photographs are links from smug mug... seems our network firewall blocks smug mug. Must go fix. Phew
    Thanks for the input. I'll keep that in mind when and if another person gas the same problem.

    Anyway here's a way to see the images and any others I have on smugmug

    Such as this one...

    Tammie Starr
    Last edited by rpcrowe; 3rd May 2018 at 04:43 PM.

  10. #10
    lovelife65's Avatar
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    Re: Tammie Starr

    Once smug mug was allowed by our firewall, I can happily see your wonderful photographs now.
    I like your model, but a few of the photographs really accentuate her skin lines as well as look a bit shiny. The very bright red lipstick just doesn't look good on her in a couple of them, it makes her look much older than she probably is.
    The very last one you posted is my favorite, with the first one a close second.

  11. #11
    rpcrowe's Avatar
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    Re: Tammie Starr

    "I like your model, but a few of the photographs really accentuate her skin lines as well as look a bit shiny. " I think that the shiny skin might be from my attempts at PP...

    Here is Goshi, a photographer originally from Tokyo, shooting Tammie with a wider angle lens than I was using. I was consciously trying to limit my coverage to close head and shoulder shots

    Tammie Starr

    I shot with the 70-200mm f/4L IS lens on a full frame Canon 6D Mark-2 camera. Most of the time, I was shooting around 100mm but occasionally went as wide as 70mm and as long as 170mm...

  12. #12
    lovelife65's Avatar
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    Re: Tammie Starr

    Quote Originally Posted by rpcrowe View Post
    "I like your model, but a few of the photographs really accentuate her skin lines as well as look a bit shiny. " I think that the shiny skin might be from my attempts at PP...

    Here is Goshi, a photographer originally from Tokyo, shooting Tammie with a wider angle lens than I was using. I was consciously trying to limit my coverage to close head and shoulder shots

    I shot with the 70-200mm f/4L IS lens on a full frame Canon 6D Mark-2 camera. Most of the time, I was shooting around 100mm but occasionally went as wide as 70mm and as long as 170mm...
    I think your head shot choice is great, it does indeed bring out the best features in your model.

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