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Thread: Experimental Shoot - Glass & Glycerine

  1. #1
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Manfred Mueller

    Experimental Shoot - Glass & Glycerine

    I got together with a few other experienced photographers last night to do some experimental type shots.

    One of the series involved putting drops of a water and glycerine mixture on a piece of glass and shooting a model who was standing behind the glass, while focusing on the streaks of "water". This results in the streaks being in focus while the model is out of focus.

    Experimental Shoot - Glass & Glycerine

    Overall the technique is interesting, but the recent spate of warm weather conspired against us. The studio was quite warm and the lingerie wearing model was the only one who was dressed appropriately. The downside of all the heat was that the mixture on the glass was not viscous enough and ran more than desired. Am going to think about trying this again, once the air conditioning system has been turned on again, or next winter when the studio is naturally cooler.

  2. #2
    Shadowman's Avatar
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    Re: Experimental Shoot - Glass & Glycerine

    Very nice, has a glimpse of implied nudity as well.

  3. #3

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    Re: Experimental Shoot - Glass & Glycerine

    That looks interesting, Manfred. If what you're going for is like a look through a rainy window the drops need to be more random. That will be interesting to figure out proper viscosity and how to keep it where you need it.

  4. #4
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Manfred Mueller

    Re: Experimental Shoot - Glass & Glycerine

    Quote Originally Posted by NorthernFocus View Post
    That looks interesting, Manfred. If what you're going for is like a look through a rainy window the drops need to be more random. That will be interesting to figure out proper viscosity and how to keep it where you need it.
    The problem was the unexpectedly high temperatures in the studio. We were running at over 27°C / 80°F; usually it is actually a bit cool. It is located in a sports area (it's a former raquetball court) and there are two active racquetball courts in front of it and behind it and has badminton courts along side of it; so the temperatures are usually kept at around 20°C / 68°F.

    Normally the glycerine is diluted to a 50% water / glycerine mix and sprayed on with a spray bottle. We just could not get it to work as the streaks ran due to the low viscosity brought on by the warm temperatures. We ended up applying pure glycerine to the glass with an eyedropper, so the pattern was not as "natural looking" as with the spray.

    The air conditioning switch over should be in 2 or 3 weeks, when the temperatures will be even colder than in the winter, so perhaps a reshoot will be scheduled after that happens.

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