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Thread: Minh-Ly - flowing scarf action sequence - NUDE

  1. #1
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Minh-Ly - flowing scarf action sequence - NUDE

    After shooting Minh-Ly at the Pole Dance studio for a few hours, we moved over to the photo club studio where we did some more shooting. These shots of her in motion throwing throwing a scarf are some of my favourites from that part of the shoot.

    1. Scarf behind

    Minh-Ly - flowing scarf action sequence - NUDE

    2. Scarf Above

    Minh-Ly - flowing scarf action sequence - NUDE

    3. Horizontal

    [url=]Minh-Ly - flowing scarf action sequence - NUDE[/url
    Last edited by Manfred M; 11th May 2018 at 02:14 PM. Reason: Added 3rd image

  2. #2

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    Re: Minh-Ly - flowing scarf action sequence - NUDE

    Nice series. The last one seem to have a magenta or pinkish cast on her body and legs under the blue scarf. Maybe an effect of the shadowed area. Perhaps a localized WB tweaking would help.

  3. #3
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: Minh-Ly - flowing scarf action sequence - NUDE

    Quote Originally Posted by chaman View Post
    Nice series. The last one seem to have a magenta or pinkish cast on her body and legs under the blue scarf. Maybe an effect of the shadowed area. Perhaps a localized WB tweaking would help.
    I went back and looked at my processing and found that rather than using a 5500K colour temperature like the first two shots, I did the raw conversion at 5000K, so the image is just a touch cooler. This skin tones in this shot were definitely getting a bit too yellow at the normal daylight / flash white balance settings. I don't find the leg colour too far off what I would expect on my profiled and calibrated screen.

    One thing that I have noticed about models, is that their legs and lower body tends to be a bit more pink during the colder months, so this might be what you are seeing. They have not gotten out and gotten a tan yet, so the faces and arms, which do get more sun exposure (and makeup on the face) than the lower body, so in part this is a natural phenomenon. A lot of photographers get around this by desaturating the image a bit. The scarf Minh-Ly was using was quite light and it is possible that the light filtering through it might cause this to be even more noticeable.

    I've played around with the image, but keep coming back to something that is close to the original image as the one I like best. Thanks for your input.

  4. #4
    Shadowman's Avatar
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    Re: Minh-Ly - flowing scarf action sequence - NUDE

    Nicely done.

  5. #5
    rpcrowe's Avatar
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    Re: Minh-Ly - flowing scarf action sequence - NUDE

    Minh-Ly is a very graceful young lady and you have captured her grace quite well...

  6. #6

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    Re: Minh-Ly - flowing scarf action sequence - NUDE

    I liked the body tension in the Scarf Above photo. Could have done without the shadow across her face, though.

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