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Thread: Inexpensive gear can be a pleasure to use

  1. #1

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    Inexpensive gear can be a pleasure to use

    Inexpensive gear can be a pleasure to use

    This was shot back in 2014 with my Fujifilm S4200. Shot in Jpeg and processed in Gimp. I know it is a shot with problems. Some due to my cameras limitations some due to mine. Still and all I enjoyed taking the shot and going back to it four years later I still think it's a heck of a good closeup.

  2. #2
    LePetomane's Avatar
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    re: Inexpensive gear can be a pleasure to use

    The late Tom Morgan (a premier bamboo fly rod maker) once said that a good rod 20 years ago will still be a good rod today. I think the same goes for cameras.

    Nice shot. Thanks for sharing.

  3. #3
    Shadowman's Avatar
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    re: Inexpensive gear can be a pleasure to use

    Nice shot.

  4. #4
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: Inexpensive gear can be a pleasure to use

    I don't know. I've always enjoyed shooting with higher end gear as I tend to push my equipment to the limits.

    I find the limitations of the lower end stuff to be extremely frustrating as the functionality and usability tends to be limited. Unfortunately, this is something that is not just true when it comes to cameras and other photo gear, but true for just about anything. Whenever I get tempted by the lower end stuff, I tend to end up regretting having bought it in the first place and usually end up replacing it with the item I should have purchased in the first place.

  5. #5

    Join Date
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    South Devon, UK

    Re: Inexpensive gear can be a pleasure to use

    The background has a few over exposed areas, but that can be fixed. The main subject looks OK.

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