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Thread: Light to Dark City (HDR)

  1. #1

    Join Date
    May 2008
    Maribor, Slovenia

    Light to Dark City (HDR)


    Light was weird so I took 3 photos in +-1EV and hopping one would be good enough for some PP.
    On my suprise alot fuzzines and completly unsharp photos came out, so I decided to go for HDR where I could PP on extrem level

    I like the colours but i still think something is missing. C&C pls

    Light to Dark City (HDR)

  2. #2
    Shadowman's Avatar
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    Dec 2009
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    Re: Light to Dark City (HDR)

    Quote Originally Posted by TARI View Post

    Light was weird so I took 3 photos in +-1EV and hopping one would be good enough for some PP.
    On my suprise alot fuzzines and completly unsharp photos came out, so I decided to go for HDR where I could PP on extrem level

    I like the colours but i still think something is missing. C&C pls

    Light to Dark City (HDR)
    Very odd effect. Can you show us the original without exposure compensation?

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