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Thread: Old barn at the base of Mount Erie

  1. #1
    lovelife65's Avatar
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    Old barn at the base of Mount Erie

    Like this old barn. Not sure if I captured it correctly. B&W conversion didn't work. The clouds could use more details but....

    It's a wonderful mountain too... great trails up to the top to get a bit of a workout, and climbers climb the face.

    Old barn at the base of Mount Erie

  2. #2

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    Re: Old barn at the base of Mount Erie

    I think you have the elements but the composition is not quite working for this image. Getting in much closer would help to show more detail in the barn. Is the top right corner orange-ish because of smoke?

  3. #3
    Moderator Donald's Avatar
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    Re: Old barn at the base of Mount Erie

    Interested in the comments about B & W not working.

    Was it shot to be a B & W image?

    I think you could make a very decent B & W out of that.

  4. #4
    Shadowman's Avatar
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    Re: Old barn at the base of Mount Erie

    Interesting composition, may not have been your intention but this is more about shapes, lines, and textures. Although all of the elements are focused, they are also a bit flat in depth but dynamic in appearance. The roadway could use a bit of toning down right where it disappears over the short horizon and the area behind the barn could be darkened a bit. Nicely seen and good effort on the exposure.

  5. #5

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    Re: Old barn at the base of Mount Erie

    Is the barn a bit too central? Lose a bit from the right side and possibly go square?

  6. #6
    lovelife65's Avatar
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    Re: Old barn at the base of Mount Erie

    Thanks for the comments.
    Yes, I could have gotten in closer to the barn for sure, for a better look at it.
    There was some tilling being done so I believe it tinted the air.
    Yes, shapes, lines, textures ... maybe too much in one composition. There is a lot of rural stuff out where I live. Many opportunities to especially tell a story of rural poverty. I prefer to include people, or very different scenes. Still learning about an approach to get it captured.
    I did lighten the image a little too much I agree, and I cropped some of the left side a bit so changed the position of the barn to its detriment.

    B&w .. the contrast/dynamic range was not strong enough given the time of day to make it work. It was fair,y early but we have long sun in the summer. And we are having July in may his year it seems.
    Can always post both a closeup of the barn and a b&w at some point.

    Thank you for taking the time to comment.

  7. #7

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    Re: Old barn at the base of Mount Erie

    I always like looking at your images of that area, Sharon. They take me down memory lane. I agree with others regarding the composition of this one. Just doesn't come together for me as a viewer. Though I have absolutely no idea on any suggestions for improvement.

  8. #8
    skitterbug's Avatar
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    Re: Old barn at the base of Mount Erie

    Hi Sharon,
    I enjoy seeing your photos. I like this one but in a way it is too "busy" for me. I see the cloud formation, the mountain, the dilapidated barn and the road and I don't know for sure what your goal is?

    As suggested in earlier replies, maybe moving in on the old barn and choosing a different point of view would make a difference? It is an interesting scene and the colors are great. I like green of various shades and the faded red on the barn is nicely contrasted with the green of the trees and grass.

    If you do get the chance to go back and revisit this spot for more pics, I look forward to seeing them.

    Last edited by skitterbug; 29th May 2018 at 02:52 AM. Reason: Spell check..... Ug.

  9. #9
    Moderator Donald's Avatar
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    Re: Old barn at the base of Mount Erie

    Quote Originally Posted by lovelife65 View Post
    B&w .. the contrast/dynamic range was not strong enough given the time of day to make it work.
    Don't get caught up in that old chestnut about what you need for B & W. To paraphrase Paul Gallagher, leader of the 3-day B & W masterclass I attended, work with the subtlety of greys, contrast is so passé.

    And for confirmation of that see Edward Weston and Paul Strand.
    Last edited by Donald; 28th May 2018 at 07:47 PM.

  10. #10
    zen's Avatar
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    Re: Old barn at the base of Mount Erie

    Am learning as I go, but I suggest you try the monotone treatment again. Looks fine to me. Grays are nice.

    Secondly, try cropping to bring barn closer in and positioned in upper rt quadrant, and the left track of the road in the far left lower corner. Makes a leading line effect.

    Have never been able to figure out how to post images here or would be glad to show you what I did with it.

    Good luck with it, and thanks for sharing.


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