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Thread: Removing background from images

  1. #1

    Removing background from images

    I am finding this too hard, I googled and found some companies that do this sort of thing, has anyone tried them? Is clipping path the same as deepetching. seems to be one good one, I also saw and Has anyone had any experience with this sort of thing. My catalog has over 300 images of jewelery and jackets with fur fitted on manequins due in two weeks, all shot on a blue studio background. Do I require alpha channel masking? Can anyone help please?

  2. #2
    The Blue Boy's Avatar
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    Re: Removing background from images

    Hello Alex, and welcome.

    You neglect to tell us what software you're using (Photoshop?) and or which version. Also what would you like to replace the background with? Sorry for the questions, but without answers we can't help.
    Also you could search the index here;


  3. #3
    milleniummuppet's Avatar
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    Re: Removing background from images

    I personally find the pen tool in photoshop to be extremely useful to me,
    I find it far easier and more accurate than any of the selection tools.
    The bonus of smooth curves can be very useful.
    I simply rough the outline and then make final adjustments making sure all the lines fit perfectly to the image being cut out.
    I then right click on the shape and choose 'make selection', in the pop up dialogue it can sometimes be useful to feather the selection by 1-2 pixels to soften the edge.

    Now its just a matter of copy and pasting the image onto a new layer.

    I don't know how useful this will be, sometimes it is hard for detailed objects (although for jewelry it should work fine, not sure about fur).
    Also, I am using photoshop CS3, so I am not sure weather any of the 'elements' supports the pen-tool?

    Are these images on plain backgrounds?
    If so, then the select-> color range tool can be useful.
    eg. if the images are all on a flat blue background, you can go:
    select -> color range,
    then with the dropper over the blue background, select the color and press ok.
    this will select all the background, now its just a matter of inverting the selection and pasting onto a new layer.
    This could work well for fur.

    Dunno see what you think and ask more questions if needed
    Last edited by milleniummuppet; 17th December 2008 at 10:39 PM. Reason: more ideas

  4. #4

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    Have a guess :)

    Re: Removing background from images

    Out of curiocity, how many do you have to do, and how large will they be printed? (to give an indication of degree of accuracy required)?

    The path tool can be superb for well defined outlines - but has a reputation of being a bit of a "bucking bronco" to use (it's on my list of things to master).


  5. #5
    milleniummuppet's Avatar
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    Re: Removing background from images

    Yes, it does take quite a bit of time to get the hang of, but when you do the results are far superior.
    Personally it took me about a week to get reasonably familiar with it , so it can be done!

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