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Thread: I tried to contact mentoring orgs but they didn't get back

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    I tried to contact mentoring orgs but they didn't get back

    I thought that if both Donald and Manfred are connected to organizations that are there to mentor passionate amateurs that it just might be a good idea for me too. Sadly the groups I contacted never got back to me. So I guess you are stuck with me.

    I have been wondering lately if perhaps my lusts have overcome my common sense. I have a good camera (Sony Alphas a68) and a superb lens (Tamron 90mm 272E) plus good pp software with Capture 1. I also have a style and a skill set that works well for what I do.

    Perhaps I am not in need of a better camera or more lenses. Would it make sense to simply build upon what I now have?

    My problem is my ignorance. I know little about either hardware or software that would enhance my journey.

    Any and all suggestions will be looked into.


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    Shadowman's Avatar
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    Re: I tried to contact mentoring orgs but they didn't get back


    You haven't really outlined what you need from the mentor, do you need hands on, online webcast, written instruction? I think everyone learns differently and every mentor offers different curriculum so a bit more information is needed. You mentioned amateur level, I remember Nikon had a mentor program that involved photo treks, online instruction, and special projects/challenges, perhaps Sony has something similar.

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    Re: I tried to contact mentoring orgs but they didn't get back

    Quote Originally Posted by Shadowman View Post

    You haven't really outlined what you need from the mentor, do you need hands on, online webcast, written instruction? I think everyone learns differently and every mentor offers different curriculum so a bit more information is needed. You mentioned amateur level, I remember Nikon had a mentor program that involved photo treks, online instruction, and special projects/challenges, perhaps Sony has something similar.
    I'll look into it.

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    Re: I tried to contact mentoring orgs but they didn't get back

    I belong to a nearby photographic society that, amongst its advanced members and some lesser so, the standard is very high. When I suggested at the AGM that it would be a good idea to add an ongoing educational dimension to the society, particularly to raise proficiency in using popular software – Lightroom and Photoshop – it was met with what I can only describe as a noticeable air of hostility. Amongst its advanced members there are a number who are unquestionably software skilled yet they don’t seem to want to pass on their skills. I also detect that there is concern over a decrease in numbers.

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    Re: I tried to contact mentoring orgs but they didn't get back

    Quote Originally Posted by Acorn View Post
    I belong to a nearby photographic society that, amongst its advanced members and some lesser so, the standard is very high. When I suggested at the AGM that it would be a good idea to add an ongoing educational dimension to the society, particularly to raise proficiency in using popular software – Lightroom and Photoshop – it was met with what I can only describe as a noticeable air of hostility. Amongst its advanced members there are a number who are unquestionably software skilled yet they don’t seem to want to pass on their skills. I also detect that there is concern over a decrease in numbers.
    those two facts may well be related

  6. #6
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: I tried to contact mentoring orgs but they didn't get back

    Brian - I wish I could give you some words of encouragement here, but you are not in a situation where mentoring is easy given where you live.

    For most of us mentoring comes about through contact with a photographic organization that has the resources and mandate to do so. Often there is either an implied or a direct competence requirement / test before a person qualifies to be mentored. This means that the photographer has to demonstrate a skill level that matches up to the mentor's willingness to work with the individual.

    In most mentoring situations, there are a few things involved as the process requires the time and dedication of both parties for some one-on-one time. For a mentor, this means he or she is taking time out of their schedule to do the mentoring, so there has to be something in it for the mentor, not just the "apprentice". In many cases this means payment in the form of monetary compensation (possibly through the fee structure of the organization) or work in kind being performed.

  7. #7
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: I tried to contact mentoring orgs but they didn't get back

    Quote Originally Posted by Acorn View Post
    I belong to a nearby photographic society that, amongst its advanced members and some lesser so, the standard is very high. When I suggested at the AGM that it would be a good idea to add an ongoing educational dimension to the society, particularly to raise proficiency in using popular software – Lightroom and Photoshop – it was met with what I can only describe as a noticeable air of hostility. Amongst its advanced members there are a number who are unquestionably software skilled yet they don’t seem to want to pass on their skills. I also detect that there is concern over a decrease in numbers.
    I find that we have the exact opposite issue at the club I belong to.

    We had a local photographer who is / has been an instructor at the local college and photography school approach the club to teach Photoshop and Lightroom (for a fee). We have turned him down as we have enough members who can and are willing to deliver the same level of instruction to the rest of membership. We run around 6 - 8 workshops from September through May covering off various aspects of how to effectively use editing software. We also teach some of the plug-ins as well as look at some of the alternatives to the Adobe software.

    It looks like your club has members who do not want any competition. This is not a good thing, in my view.
    Last edited by Manfred M; 1st June 2018 at 03:00 PM.

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    Re: I tried to contact mentoring orgs but they didn't get back

    Quote Originally Posted by Manfred M View Post
    Brian - I wish I could give you some words of encouragement here, but you are not in a situation where mentoring is easy given where you live.

    For most of us mentoring comes about through contact with a photographic organization that has the resources and mandate to do so. Often there is either an implied or a direct competence requirement / test before a person qualifies to be mentored. This means that the photographer has to demonstrate a skill level that matches up to the mentor's willingness to work with the individual.

    In most mentoring situations, there are a few things involved as the process requires the time and dedication of both parties for some one-on-one time. For a mentor, this means he or she is taking time out of their schedule to do the mentoring, so there has to be something in it for the mentor, not just the "apprentice". In many cases this means payment in the form of monetary compensation (possibly through the fee structure of the organization) or work in kind being performed.
    The upside is that CiC has brought me along quite nicely. I was aware of the cost factor and was more than willing to pay. I also was ready able and willing to hand in a portfolio for examination. What I find annoying is that the groups I contacted through their forms and their ways never even had the courtesy to say 'no'. Their loss not mine.

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    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: I tried to contact mentoring orgs but they didn't get back

    What organizations did you try to connect with Brian?

  10. #10

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    Re: I tried to contact mentoring orgs but they didn't get back

    Quote Originally Posted by Manfred M View Post
    What organizations did you try to connect with Brian?
    Your Canadian organization that you mentioned and the society that Donald belongs to.

  11. #11
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: I tried to contact mentoring orgs but they didn't get back

    The CAPA (Canadian Association of Photographic Art) does not have a mentoring program, so I'm not surprised that they did not respond.

    They are primarily provide technical assistance to the Canadian photographic community (primarily photo clubs), hold photographic competitions and train photographic judges. They do some outreach and education through their photographic publications.

    Training and mentoring is done at the club level.
    Last edited by Manfred M; 2nd June 2018 at 01:23 AM.

  12. #12
    rpcrowe's Avatar
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    Re: I tried to contact mentoring orgs but they didn't get back


    You have achieved a great deal working on your own and with some suggestions from te CiC folks.

    If I could suggest one think that might "kick up your imagery a notch" it would be the addition of a light source. It could be a continuous source or a small flash unit which could be used off camera with a diffuser.

    A flash unit - even a small one - packs a lot of power, doesn't need an a/c connection, is small and lightweight and won't disturb the wee creepie crawlers that you shoot. You can get manual flashes (no TTL) at a relatively low price...

    A great place for instructional videos is YouTube...

  13. #13
    pnodrog's Avatar
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    Re: I tried to contact mentoring orgs but they didn't get back

    Quote Originally Posted by Acorn View Post
    I belong to a nearby photographic society that, amongst its advanced members and some lesser so, the standard is very high. When I suggested at the AGM that it would be a good idea to add an ongoing educational dimension to the society, particularly to raise proficiency in using popular software – Lightroom and Photoshop – it was met with what I can only describe as a noticeable air of hostility. Amongst its advanced members there are a number who are unquestionably software skilled yet they don’t seem to want to pass on their skills. I also detect that there is concern over a decrease in numbers.
    I always assume rightly or wrongly that people who are not prepared to share their knowledge aren't truly confident of their own abilities.

    The members of most photographic clubs I have been to are very willing to help newer members. Occasionally I have come across a member who has developed an effect or technique that they try to keep a bit of a secret but usually someone else has an alternative (or same) method to achieve the same effect and they are happy to share.

    Some techniques and skills can take more time to explain or teach than the person is prepared to give.

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    Re: I tried to contact mentoring orgs but they didn't get back

    Quote Originally Posted by Manfred M View Post
    The CAPA (Canadian Association of Photographic Art) does not have a mentoring program, so I'm not surprised that they did not respond.

    They are primarily provide technical assistance to the Canadian photographic community (primarily photo clubs), hold photographic competitions and train photographic judges. They do some outreach and education through their photographic publications.

    Training and mentoring is done at the club level.
    Since when has rudeness become an acceptable Canadian trait?

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    Re: I tried to contact mentoring orgs but they didn't get back

    Quote Originally Posted by rpcrowe View Post

    You have achieved a great deal working on your own and with some suggestions from te CiC folks.

    If I could suggest one think that might "kick up your imagery a notch" it would be the addition of a light source. It could be a continuous source or a small flash unit which could be used off camera with a diffuser.

    A flash unit - even a small one - packs a lot of power, doesn't need an a/c connection, is small and lightweight and won't disturb the wee creepie crawlers that you shoot. You can get manual flashes (no TTL) at a relatively low price...

    A great place for instructional videos is YouTube...
    I have been looking at ring flash and continuous light units for both indoor and outdoor work

  16. #16
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: I tried to contact mentoring orgs but they didn't get back

    Quote Originally Posted by JBW View Post
    Since when has rudeness become an acceptable Canadian trait?
    It's not.

    The CAPA Management group is part-time and quite small. They all have "day jobs" in addition to their CAPA commitments, so guess where their priorities lie. I sent both the president and the director of training an email over two months ago and have not heard back yet. They usually get around to answering, but there can be quite the delay.

  17. #17

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    Re: I tried to contact mentoring orgs but they didn't get back

    Quote Originally Posted by Manfred M View Post
    I find that we have the exact opposite issue at the club I belong to.

    We had a local photographer who is / has been an instructor at the local college and photography school approach the club to teach Photoshop and Lightroom (for a fee). We have turned him down as we have enough members who can and are willing to deliver the same level of instruction to the rest of membership. We run around 6 - 8 workshops from September through May covering off various aspects of how to effectively use editing software. We also teach some of the plug-ins as well as look at some of the alternatives to the Adobe software.

    It looks like your club has members who do not want any competition. This is not a good thing, in my view.
    As always, Manfred, your responses are constructive and helpful. I can understand an external instructor seeking monetary compensation, travel expenses etc. But I think it is somewhat of a poor reflection on a photographic club, society where members already pay an annual subscription as well as an attendance fee that its software-skilled members are seemingly unwilling to exercise a spirit of altruism towards those less skilled.

  18. #18
    Moderator Donald's Avatar
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    Just add 'MacKenzie'

    Re: I tried to contact mentoring orgs but they didn't get back

    Quote Originally Posted by JBW View Post
    Your Canadian organization that you mentioned and the society that Donald belongs to.
    If you joined the Societies and submitted images for mentoring, any failure to get back to you will be a mistake in the system somewhere. Send an e-mail. My submissions for mentoring have always been returned promptly with the usual comprehensive commentary.

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    Re: I tried to contact mentoring orgs but they didn't get back

    Quote Originally Posted by Donald View Post
    If you joined the Societies and submitted images for mentoring, any failure to get back to you will be a mistake in the system somewhere. Send an e-mail. My submissions for mentoring have always been returned promptly with the usual comprehensive commentary.
    It never got that far. I asked if I should submit some shots and they said no that I should simply fill out the forms and they would get back to me. I get the newsletter but that's all.

  20. #20

    Re: I tried to contact mentoring orgs but they didn't get back

    This may or may not fit into this forum, but I am also looking for mentoring. If anyone has any recommendations for me, I would greatly appreciate hearing your thoughts. I have the ability, and am willing, to travel worldwide, to learn.

    Like JBW, I have encountered a resistance when it comes to finding someone willing to share their knowledge. In one photography club where I was a participant, it was all about an 'each man for himself' type attitude. I, on the other hand, know that I have so much to learn, and if I were to share information that made another person better than I am, I would feel quite happy.

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