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Thread: Prolost dehaze v1.2 - dehaze in reverse

  1. #1

    Join Date
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    Mark Jass

    Prolost dehaze v1.2 - dehaze in reverse

    I have lightroom 6.I4 as a standalone and it does not have the dehaze slider (use it in reverse). I have taken a series of pictures in low cloud which I want to be more moody ie I want to increase the foggy effect. I have increased the contrast and dropped the exposure which has worked to a limited effect. Has anyone used the free Prolost dehaze v1.2 presets?

  2. #2
    DanK's Avatar
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    Re: Prolost dehaze v1.2 - dehaze in reverse

    No, but it's free, so you could just try it out. Alternatively, reduce clarity and saturation in that area, which should get you part of the way there. Dehaze is more complex than this, but increasing clarity and saturation is part of the mix, so you could do the opposite.

    I don't think dehaze decreases contrast, so I don't know why increasing it would do what you want.

    Can you please go to the top right and edit your profile to add your name and location? We use names here, and the location is often helpful for targeting responses to questions, etc.

  3. #3

    Join Date
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    Mark Jass

    Re: Prolost dehaze v1.2 - dehaze in reverse

    Thanks. Mark Jass is my real name and I am from NZ.

  4. #4

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    Re: Prolost dehaze v1.2 - dehaze in reverse

    Quote Originally Posted by markjass View Post
    I have lightroom 6.I4 as a standalone and it does not have the dehaze slider (use it in reverse). I have taken a series of pictures in low cloud which I want to be more moody ieI want to increase the foggy effect. I have increased the contrast and dropped the exposure which has worked to a limited effect. Has anyone used the free Prolost dehaze v1.2 presets?
    Not me, sorry.

    As DanK says, I would have thought that 'increasing the foggy effect' and 'increasing the contrast' were opposite actions, from a histogram POV. Try playing with Levels to see how that works ...
    Last edited by xpatUSA; 7th June 2018 at 12:49 PM.

  5. #5
    rpcrowe's Avatar
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    Re: Prolost dehaze v1.2 - dehaze in reverse

    You can do a lot of special effects using the various modules of NIK Software. In the scenario you mentioned, I might guess that NIK Viveza and NIK Color Effects would be the two modules best suited to your needs, especially Color Effects

    I don't know if this is what you are looking for. Using The Viveza Module of NIK Software do a global reduction of Structure and then use Color Effects various filters for the glow...

    My Goldendoodle, Holly, sitting in yard SOC
    Prolost dehaze v1.2 - dehaze in reverse

    Holly sitting in yard - post processed after playing with Viveza and Color Effects to get a glow
    Prolost dehaze v1.2 - dehaze in reverse

    Of course, this might not be what you are looking for but, I suggest that whatever that look might be, Viveza + Color Effects would allow you to attain it...

    Except for cropping, this is how I would PP this shot without any special effects...
    Prolost dehaze v1.2 - dehaze in reverse
    Last edited by rpcrowe; 6th June 2018 at 02:56 AM.

  6. #6

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    Re: Prolost dehaze v1.2 - dehaze in reverse

    As DanK said, applying negative clarity has the net effect of reducing localized contrast and gives somewhat of a glow/misty effect. It's worth playing with.

    I also use the stand alone version of LR and was able to download a plug-in that is supposed to be the same dehaze tool that is in the subscription version. Can't remember where I got it but you could probably find it pretty quick by searching the web. It does not have the ability to apply negative dehaze(i.e. to increase haziness). I also use On1 and the haze slider in it goes both ways, increase or decrease "haze".

  7. #7

    Join Date
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    Mark Jass

    Re: Prolost dehaze v1.2 - dehaze in reverse

    Thanks for the help. I have loaded the presets and they are just what I was hoping

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