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Thread: Neighbors beware?

  1. #1
    lovelife65's Avatar
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    Neighbors beware?

    Just a bit of a sad chuckle generated from the sign (Knowing I should not laugh).

    More of rural America.
    SOOC jpeg
    X-pro2 ACROS

    Neighbors beware?

  2. #2
    Shadowman's Avatar
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    Re: Neighbors beware?

    Couldn't read the writing, does it say burglars or badgers, now badgers would be funny. Nicely seen and captured.

  3. #3

    Join Date
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    Re: Neighbors beware?

    Interesting bit of Americana, but you should have gotten in closer to make it legible. Simply by showing the sign sitting on the roadside is enough to give the scene a rural flavor. Showing the road stretching into the distance is, I think, is over-kill, and results in the sign being too small to read easily. In this particular case the message is everything and so should have been emphasized.

  4. #4
    William W's Avatar
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    Re: Neighbors beware?

    I like the Perspective, Composition and the B&W Conversion.

    Very confused by (A) the Title and (B) the choice to post to this forum.

    Each in turn -

    A1. Title of Photograph - "Neighbors beware?". Is the inclusion of the "?" . . . Humour? Sarcasm? Derision?

    A2. Why is the title "Neighbors beware?", when the script on the sign in the image is ‘NEIGHBORS BE AWARE’. Considering the Subject Matter, there is a significant difference in the meaning of the two phrases.

    B This image is neither 'Portraiture, Sport, Pets, nor Street'.

    If it needs a classification, then it is clearly ‘Social Comment’ and as such fits into “Nature & Architecture Landscapes, wildlife, architecture and all other photography

    Understood Point B may appear minor by contrast to Point A, but is concert with Point A, and in concert with the commentary in the OP, all could be easily seen as intentionally inflammatory.

    Also it is very understood that both Points A and B might be a simple oversights and these comments assume there was a photo-journalistic meaning - and that assumption may be way off the mark, because it was all very unintentional… so clarification of the objective of publication the image, with title and commentary would be appreciated, because any Published Image, (especially with Titles and Text) sends a message, often it is quite powerful.


  5. #5

    Join Date
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    South Devon, UK

    Re: Neighbors beware?

    Reads OK in the Lightbox view.

    I think I would crop a little from the right side and bottom which would help to 'connect' the notice with the landscape around it.

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