It looks like your computer has an obesity problem...You will need to exercise it vigorously every day.
When one shoots around 20 GB a week and even more when I am on the road, the HDDs fill up quickly. I grabbed this drive because my local retailer had it marked down by over $CAD 100, so it was getting close to the price of the 10 TB drives. Apparently Western Digital has just announced a 14 TB drive, so they are clearing out inventory to make space for even larger drives. My old setup had two 4 TB drives, so I was well over 7TB in use, so the growth in storage is not as large as it sounds.
This is getting ridiculous. I remember back when having a 1tb database on a "mainframe" computer earned serious bragging rights.
And I remember where the A: and B: drives went
Yes I remember buying a 30MB Miniscribe HDD for my desktop many years ago and thought it held a ton of material.
I'm busily populating the 12 TB drive right now and am only putting image files that my wife and I took over the past 8 years on it. I think I have around 8 TB of "good" image files that I'm transferring right now. I also have two 12TB RAID backups (excluding redundancy). When I finish this restore I will have all of the image files stored on three separate devices.