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Thread: Project 52: Week 23 (delayed)

  1. #1
    billtils's Avatar
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    Project 52: Week 23 (delayed)

    My calendar says it is now week 25, but weeks 23 and 24 were spent relaxing with friends at their home in Spain. It was very much a social trip and everything photographic other than the D750 + Nikon 24-85mm "walk about" was left at home. Our friends live in the small town of El Algar in the South East of the country, and their house looks south to the mountain area known as the Sierra Minera de Cartagena and La Unión. The region was mined from the time of the Romans until recently for a range of minerals including silver, copper, and lead.

    I took what was intended to be a "record shot" of the mountains and the wind turbines that line the ridge at the top of the range (Don Quixote, where art thou?), early afternoon of day 1. They are between 2 and 3 miles away and this is a severe crop:

    Project 52:  Week 23 (delayed)

    Not much of interest, but things look very different in the morning (07:30) light!

    Project 52:  Week 23 (delayed)

    Here is a late evening shot - not a keeper, but completes the morning-noon-evening cycle:

    Project 52:  Week 23 (delayed)

    None of the above has had much done to it other than the crop (not even cloning out of the mobile phone tower), but one morning the top of the range was (briefly) shrouded in fog and here is a B&W:

    Project 52:  Week 23 (delayed)

  2. #2
    skitterbug's Avatar
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    Re: Project 52: Week 23 (delayed)

    Hi Bill - while I really don't like wind turbines I find your photos interesting from the perspective of how the light and weather does change and affect the photos. I also tend to lean toward color in photos but in this series, I like the B/W one best! It is mysterious looking and I am waiting for what may come out of the fog next! <smile>
    Hope you are having a pleasant vacation time and fun visit with friends!

  3. #3
    billtils's Avatar
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    Re: Project 52: Week 23 (delayed)

    Thanks Sandy

    I'd have to 'fess up that this is a bit of a "filler" to get back on track with the P52 posts, but I did find it quite an intriguing practical illustration of how every day light can influence an image. I threw the mono in partly for contrast but also because it emphasised the foreground hill which was clear of the high level fog and in bright sunlight.

    Back home now but we had a wonderful time thanks. Spain, especially some ares on the coast, can be VERY "British tourist" orientated but it was nice to be in an off the beaten tourist track location.
    Last edited by billtils; 21st June 2018 at 10:36 PM.

  4. #4

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    Re: Project 52: Week 23 (delayed)

    Nice series Bill. With the B&W being my favourite. Maybe a bit more contrast could add more interest to the scene...just my 2 cents as a viewer.

  5. #5
    billtils's Avatar
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    Re: Project 52: Week 23 (delayed)

    Thanks Rudi. I agree in regard to what you can see here - but the original on my calibrated screen does indeed have a bit more contrast .

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