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Thread: Splashed out on a new monitor!

  1. #1
    davidedric's Avatar
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    Splashed out on a new monitor!

    My several years old Dell monitor is failing - getting blurry round the edges, like its owner.

    Since I know 24" is enough for me, and I don't believe I need more than the 1920×1080, I've gone for the EIZO CS2420. Wish me look (and please don't tell me it's a rubbish choice!


  2. #2
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: Splashed out on a new monitor!

    Congratulations - it looks like a decent screen, based on the specs. Eizo is well known for making quality gear, so I suspect you will be happy with your choice.

    The only downside to these higher end screens is that their internal LUTs can only be written by higher end hardware profiling / calibration devices. I had to replace my Colormunki with an i1 display to access that functionality. I'm not sure if this applies to this screen.

    One suggestion that I would make; if the unit comes with or can be equipped with an external hood; these are great from reducing screen glare and installing one is definitely something I would recommend.

  3. #3
    davidedric's Avatar
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    Re: Splashed out on a new monitor!

    Thanks, Manfred. It doesn't come equipped with a hood, but I believe one is available. Ill look into it!


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