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Thread: 2018 Project 52 - 3rd Qtr - Sandy (Skitterbug)

  1. #61

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    Re: 2018 Project 52 - 3rd Qtr - Sandy (Skitterbug)

    I like the bullfrog, Sandy. It looks he is trying to hold back the flow. And the crop of the tadpole works well.

  2. #62
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    Re: 2018 Project 52 - 3rd Qtr - Sandy (Skitterbug)

    Quote Originally Posted by FootLoose View Post
    I like the bullfrog, Sandy. It looks he is trying to hold back the flow. And the crop of the tadpole works well.
    Hi Greg - This bullfrog is one of the older, bigger frogs in our koi pond so I figure he feels he can do what he wants! <lol> He does make a good blockade!

    I have been watching for another chance to photograph the tadpole(s) especially when their front legs start to grow. Sometimes they will sit on a pot of water lilies and bask in the sunshine even though they are under water. It must be comfortable for them.

    Thanks for commenting!

  3. #63
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    Re: 2018 Project 52 - 3rd Qtr - Sandy (Skitterbug)

    Quote Originally Posted by Geoff F View Post
    There are several slight crop variations available there but that is along the lines of what I was thinking. You still have sufficient background elements to show the general environment.
    Hi Geoff - I used to grab the crop lines and move them until I liked what I saw in a photo but more and more, I've been trying to stay within framing or printing parameters. If I find later on, that I'd like to make a hard copy of a favorite pic, I won't have to go back and rework the size.

    I did do a bit of cloning to remove part of that flower bud that is located at the top right so I could get the crop done as you suggested. And yes, I can still see the environment and agree that it is a better photo!

    Thank you for the suggestion!

  4. #64
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    Re: 2018 Project 52 - 3rd Qtr - Sandy (Skitterbug)

    Week 33 - It has been a busy time. Our peaches are ready and so are the tomatoes so I have lots to preserve!

    I went back through the past few weeks to see if I had something worth posting to show that I'm still practicing. These are the two I turned up and edited. Hope they past muster!

    The first is the bullfrog. I laughed when I spotted this pic and I think it turned out pretty decently. But I will let the group do the judging!

    Titled: Hey! I'm going this way! (ISO800 - f/5.6 - 1/125ss)

    2018 Project 52 - 3rd Qtr - Sandy (Skitterbug)

    We don't have these birds around our home very often so it was a delight to see this one!

    Titled: Yellow Warbler (ISO2000 - F/5.6 - 1/800ss)

    2018 Project 52 - 3rd Qtr - Sandy (Skitterbug)

  5. #65
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    Re: 2018 Project 52 - 3rd Qtr - Sandy (Skitterbug)

    Sandy, I enjoyed both photos. When I initially scrolled down on the first photo, all I saw at first was what appeared to be a very badly out of focus turtle. But then I came to the actual subject of the image!

    What lens were you using? Your 100-400?

  6. #66
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    Re: 2018 Project 52 - 3rd Qtr - Sandy (Skitterbug)

    Quote Originally Posted by skitterbug View Post
    I went back through the past few weeks to see if I had something worth posting to show that I'm still practicing. These are the two I turned up and edited. Hope they past muster!

    The first is the bullfrog. I laughed when I spotted this pic and I think it turned out pretty decently. But I will let the group do the judging!
    Hi Sandy

    This member of the group thinks that your bullfrog is a classic! Technically excellent and captures the attention visually - brilliant capture.

    I'm not so sure about the second one. The bird itself is indeed a delight but the whole LHS of the image is too bright .

  7. #67
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    Re: 2018 Project 52 - 3rd Qtr - Sandy (Skitterbug)

    Quote Originally Posted by Cantab View Post
    Sandy, I enjoyed both photos. When I initially scrolled down on the first photo, all I saw at first was what appeared to be a very badly out of focus turtle. But then I came to the actual subject of the image!

    What lens were you using? Your 100-400?
    Hi Bruce - I appreciate the response! I'm using the 100-400 lens for close ups of our wildlife. I did sharpen the subject in both pictures just a tiny bit to bring them out a bit better - just so you know that is of bit of PP that I do. However before digital editing, I would have been happy with these two pics SOOC. I have not regretted purchasing this lens.

    Thanks for commenting!

  8. #68
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    Re: 2018 Project 52 - 3rd Qtr - Sandy (Skitterbug)

    Quote Originally Posted by billtils View Post
    Hi Sandy

    This member of the group thinks that your bullfrog is a classic! Technically excellent and captures the attention visually - brilliant capture.

    I'm not so sure about the second one. The bird itself is indeed a delight but the whole LHS of the image is too bright .
    Hi Bill - Glad you like the bullfrog/turtle pic. The bullfrogs tend to make interesting captures easy since they like to pose on the rocks. <chuckle> I don't know why I am fond of them but I do enjoy keeping track of their activities.

    I agree with your analysis of the warbler. Thank you for taking time to look at these photos.

    So based on your suggestion that the LHS was too bright, I decided to do something drastic with that photo and am curious to see if I've totally destroyed the integrity of the picture or if what I did makes it better? Opinions will be welcome as always!

    2018 Project 52 - 3rd Qtr - Sandy (Skitterbug)

  9. #69
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    Re: 2018 Project 52 - 3rd Qtr - Sandy (Skitterbug)

    Well, the answer is it is now quite a different picture Sandy! At first I thought you may have masked the bird and rock and then blacked out the background ... but that can't be the answer as there is just so much more detail in the LHS of the rock. Whatever it was, could you apply it to the LD vertical third of the image?

  10. #70

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    Re: 2018 Project 52 - 3rd Qtr - Sandy (Skitterbug)

    You were starting from a very difficult position with that bird, Sandy, so this is a great improvement.

    Ideally, I would like to see just a little more space on the left, but it does work with your current edit. Also the area between its beak and head is still a fraction on the bright side.

    And to finish this scene, I would try adding back just a tad more of highlight brightness (Curves etc) to give it a little bit more 'sparkle' but be careful and mask out any overly bright additions.

  11. #71
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    Re: 2018 Project 52 - 3rd Qtr - Sandy (Skitterbug)

    Quote Originally Posted by billtils View Post
    Well, the answer is it is now quite a different picture Sandy! At first I thought you may have masked the bird and rock and then blacked out the background ... but that can't be the answer as there is just so much more detail in the LHS of the rock. Whatever it was, could you apply it to the LD vertical third of the image?
    Hi Bill - It is the same picture only "photoshopped" as they say. I used Snap Check app and Affinity Photo app to clone out the leaves and copy rock into the bright area of the boulder. I tuned up the black and then I cropped off the edges and burned the very brightest spots left on the bird. So yes, the picture has been altered and that is what I am wondering - is this really ethical treatment of a photo? Can it be presented as original work of a photographer (me)? I don't normally edit this extremely although I do crop out stray leaves, etc. when it will improve a photo.

    I want to make a scrapbook of all the birds that have visited our koi pond, feeders, etc. and I'll probably use this one for one of my keepsake pages. I like that I've showcased the bird only. However this is for personal use so for me it is okay. BUT for public use, what might be considered "proper".

    Opinions always welcome!

  12. #72
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    Re: 2018 Project 52 - 3rd Qtr - Sandy (Skitterbug)

    Quote Originally Posted by skitterbug View Post
    Hi Bill - It is the same picture only "photoshopped" as they say. I used Snap Check app and Affinity Photo app to clone out the leaves and copy rock into the bright area of the boulder. I tuned up the black and then I cropped off the edges and burned the very brightest spots left on the bird. So yes, the picture has been altered and that is what I am wondering - is this really ethical treatment of a photo? Can it be presented as original work of a photographer (me)? I don't normally edit this extremely although I do crop out stray leaves, etc. when it will improve a photo.

    I want to make a scrapbook of all the birds that have visited our koi pond, feeders, etc. and I'll probably use this one for one of my keepsake pages. I like that I've showcased the bird only. However this is for personal use so for me it is okay. BUT for public use, what might be considered "proper".

    Opinions always welcome!
    Hi Sandy, I see no ethical issues with your edits of your photo. To my mind, the only problem would be if you falsely stated that the photo was SOOC or explicitly stated that it had had only the bare minimum of pp. I'll look forward to seeing if anyone disagrees!

  13. #73
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    Re: 2018 Project 52 - 3rd Qtr - Sandy (Skitterbug)

    Quote Originally Posted by Geoff F View Post
    You were starting from a very difficult position with that bird, Sandy, so this is a great improvement.

    Ideally, I would like to see just a little more space on the left, but it does work with your current edit. Also the area between its beak and head is still a fraction on the bright side.

    And to finish this scene, I would try adding back just a tad more of highlight brightness (Curves etc) to give it a little bit more 'sparkle' but be careful and mask out any overly bright additions.
    Hi Geoff - trying to do as you suggested, I went back and started over to see if the finished result would be any better. I left a bit more space on the left side and I tried to work out the brightness issues.
    Thank you for the suggestions!

    So here's my final try.

    2018 Project 52 - 3rd Qtr - Sandy (Skitterbug)

  14. #74
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    Re: 2018 Project 52 - 3rd Qtr - Sandy (Skitterbug)

    Quote Originally Posted by Cantab View Post
    Hi Sandy, I see no ethical issues with your edits of your photo. To my mind, the only problem would be if you falsely stated that the photo was SOOC or explicitly stated that it had had only the bare minimum of pp. I'll look forward to seeing if anyone disagrees!
    Hi Bruce - my guess is that if I enter any contests, rules that are posted would need to be followed. However, if I am selling my work I doubt that what I do to a picture would matter. If the material is being used in a news story, etc. I'd think the picture would need to be as accurate as possible. So it probably all ends up being based on what the photo is going to be used for.

    Since I am an amateur, and not really in the know, that is my best guess! And I appreciate the opinion you offered too since it pretty much matches mine!

  15. #75

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    Re: 2018 Project 52 - 3rd Qtr - Sandy (Skitterbug)

    That last edit certainly works for me sandy.

  16. #76
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    Re: 2018 Project 52 - 3rd Qtr - Sandy (Skitterbug)

    Quote Originally Posted by Geoff F View Post
    That last edit certainly works for me sandy.
    Hi Geoff - thanks for the suggestions! There are times when it pays to go back and do it again. <chuckle>

  17. #77
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    Re: 2018 Project 52 - 3rd Qtr - Sandy (Skitterbug)

    Nice wildlife set.

  18. #78
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    Re: 2018 Project 52 - 3rd Qtr - Sandy (Skitterbug)

    Thanks John!

  19. #79
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    Re: 2018 Project 52 - 3rd Qtr - Sandy (Skitterbug)

    Week 34 - It's flower time. They don't run, hop, swim or fly away! This is the second time this summer that the delphiniums are blooming. The flower spikes are tall and like to fall over even with support so my goal was to try and capture the color. It doesn't help to have the rain pounding on them either. <sigh> But I won't complain, many don't have any rain so we've been fortunate.

    #1 - For this photo, I like the color but even more, I like the way the sunshine was shining through the petals.
    ISO500, f/11, 1/250ss

    2018 Project 52 - 3rd Qtr - Sandy (Skitterbug)

    #2 - Out of all that I took, I like this one best. I took the picture this morning so the sunshine was still in the east.
    ISO2000 (was set to auto ISO), f/11, 1/640ss (wind was in play)

    2018 Project 52 - 3rd Qtr - Sandy (Skitterbug)

    Both pictures have had post processing done using Affinity Photo mostly.
    Last edited by skitterbug; 21st August 2018 at 04:56 PM.

  20. #80

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    Re: 2018 Project 52 - 3rd Qtr - Sandy (Skitterbug)

    Nice work, Sandy.

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