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Thread: 2018 Project 52 - 3rd Qtr - Sandy (Skitterbug)

  1. #21
    skitterbug's Avatar
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    Re: 2018 Project 52 - 3rd Qtr - Sandy (Skitterbug)

    Hi Bill - I'll give that a try and see what happens and let you know how it goes. The one issue I've had using the selection brush is having a very thin line/outlined develop all the way around the "subject" of the photo. It is annoying and I'm not sure how to be rid of it. I've used the "refine" option and tried masking but that hasn't worked very well yet. It's probably technique that I'll need to practice.

    Thanks for the added instruction.

  2. #22
    billtils's Avatar
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    Re: 2018 Project 52 - 3rd Qtr - Sandy (Skitterbug)

    Quote Originally Posted by skitterbug View Post
    Hi Bill - I'll give that a try and see what happens and let you know how it goes. The one issue I've had using the selection brush is having a very thin line/outlined develop all the way around the "subject" of the photo. It is annoying and I'm not sure how to be rid of it. I've used the "refine" option and tried masking but that hasn't worked very well yet. It's probably technique that I'll need to practice.

    Thanks for the added instruction.

    If what you want to do is soften the edges of a selected area you can do this with the feather slider in the refine tool. For a more comprehensive look at options, see the video on AP's Vimeo channel

  3. #23
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    Re: 2018 Project 52 - 3rd Qtr - Sandy (Skitterbug)

    Hi Bill - Thank you for the link and the info. I've been "playing" but still don't have the results that I want. It will come together eventually, I hope!

  4. #24
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    Re: 2018 Project 52 - 3rd Qtr - Sandy (Skitterbug)

    Week 29 - It is the time of year when the corn is supposed to be knee-high by the Forth of July BUT the field corn was well over 6 feet tall last week! <yikes> There is the worry by the farmers about fungus, etc. affecting the corn crop so the airplanes used for crop dusting were hired. It is definitely fun to watch them and to try and catch decent pictures. I have tried in the past and will always continue to do so until I get that "perfect" picture. In the meantime here are my attempts.

    For the first three photos, I used slower shutter speed so the propeller would look like it is in motion. I have a feeling that perhaps I slowed things down maybe a bit more than necessary. I used ISO160 - F/11 - !/400ss

    #1 - White Crop Duster - Dusting!

    2018 Project 52 - 3rd Qtr - Sandy (Skitterbug)

    #2 - White Crop Duster coming toward me! <yikes>

    2018 Project 52 - 3rd Qtr - Sandy (Skitterbug)

    #3 - White Crop Duster

    2018 Project 52 - 3rd Qtr - Sandy (Skitterbug)

    The next two photos happened a day or two later. I changed to faster speed and tried different ISO and Aperture settings.

    #4 - Yellow Crop Duster - ISO1000 - f/5.0 - 1/2000ss

    2018 Project 52 - 3rd Qtr - Sandy (Skitterbug)

    #5 - Yellow Crop Duster - ISO500 - F/4.5 - 1/2000ss

    2018 Project 52 - 3rd Qtr - Sandy (Skitterbug)

  5. #25

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    Re: 2018 Project 52 - 3rd Qtr - Sandy (Skitterbug)

    Nice set, Sandy. The first three work best for me a they appear to be in flight, especially the first one because of its angle to the horizon and the dust streaming behind it. The other two at the faster shutter speed look to me like they are just hanging in the air.

  6. #26
    billtils's Avatar
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    Re: 2018 Project 52 - 3rd Qtr - Sandy (Skitterbug)

    +1 to what Greg says.

  7. #27
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    Re: 2018 Project 52 - 3rd Qtr - Sandy (Skitterbug)

    Hi Greg and Bill ~ Thank you both for your thoughts!

    I debated about the yellow crop duster because both of the pics I displayed were of the plane directly overhead and the photos are deceiving in appearance. I did like the undercarriage detail though. However, since I'd kicked up the shutter speed, the propeller didn't show much motion - not nearly as revealing as the white crop duster's. (Geoff has been trying to drum this technique into my hard head!) But it was difficult for me trying to decide how to get a good sharp picture but still show motion! And there isn't much time to decide either. These planes look slow when they are circling but they zoom past quickly when they drop down to spray!

    Anyway, thank you for confirming that the slower shutter speed is the way to go! I appreciate your replies!

  8. #28
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    Re: 2018 Project 52 - 3rd Qtr - Sandy (Skitterbug)

    Week 30 - Buggy...... I'll start with these......

    I had to hunt for identification and finally decided it is probably a hummingbird moth. I think these are the adults that develop from those horrible looking hornworm caterpillars that like to chew on our tomato plants. The moth is an interesting creature to watch in action. It doesn't stay still and it is very fast in its movement.

    #1 - ISO2500 - f/5.6 - 1/800ss

    2018 Project 52 - 3rd Qtr - Sandy (Skitterbug)

    #2 - ISO1000 - f/5.6 - 1/1250ss

    2018 Project 52 - 3rd Qtr - Sandy (Skitterbug)

  9. #29
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    Re: 2018 Project 52 - 3rd Qtr - Sandy (Skitterbug)

    Interesting looking critter Sandy! And another one of those that present the photographer with some problems. I like the second one more than the first, despite the great detail in the wings.

  10. #30
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    Re: 2018 Project 52 - 3rd Qtr - Sandy (Skitterbug)

    Quote Originally Posted by billtils View Post
    Interesting looking critter Sandy! And another one of those that present the photographer with some problems. I like the second one more than the first, despite the great detail in the wings.
    Hi Bill - I like the way the second photo set up but of course I like the first because of the detail of the moth.

    A bit of history about the first one. We have a spot in the garden that has milkweed growing. The flowers smell very sweet and attract all sorts of insects, but the flowers are low on the plant. I needed to get down and closer for the shot, but by the time I was situated, the moth moved along the line and out of my intended photo distance. I expect people watching me would have been laughing at my antics......I don't move as well as I did even 10 years ago. <sigh> After what I think could have been a million tries (exaggeration of course!), I finally ended up with #1 that I felt would be a reasonable photo for posting.

    Now the second one is easier to set up. It is a phlox plant that is growing along the side of our home. It is upright and makes a nice display. Then it is down to being ready to take the photo when the situation suits me! <chuckle> I like how the moth is dipping into the flower for food.

    Thanks for commenting!

  11. #31
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    Re: 2018 Project 52 - 3rd Qtr - Sandy (Skitterbug)

    I want to add one more photo that I found of the hummingbird moth. He's been feeding heavily and has his proboscis curled in this pic. He is on the move from flower to flower. If I'd used just a bit faster shutter speed, I may have captured his wings a bit better but this is pretty much what is seen as they flit about. Enjoy.

    Hummingbird Moth - ISO800 - f/5.6 - 1/1250ss

    2018 Project 52 - 3rd Qtr - Sandy (Skitterbug)

  12. #32
    joebranko's Avatar
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    Re: 2018 Project 52 - 3rd Qtr - Sandy (Skitterbug)

    Good job! I like the blurred background in this shot.

  13. #33
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    Re: 2018 Project 52 - 3rd Qtr - Sandy (Skitterbug)

    Nice aviation and flying critters.

  14. #34
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    Re: 2018 Project 52 - 3rd Qtr - Sandy (Skitterbug)

    Quote Originally Posted by joebranko View Post
    Good job! I like the blurred background in this shot.
    Thank you Joe. These flowers seem to have a pleasing color to them, plus they smell good too! f/5.6 does a decent job of creating that background blur. Thanks for commenting!

  15. #35
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    Re: 2018 Project 52 - 3rd Qtr - Sandy (Skitterbug)

    Quote Originally Posted by Shadowman View Post
    Nice aviation and flying critters.
    Hi John - Thank you for commenting! I appreciate your thoughts!

  16. #36

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    Re: 2018 Project 52 - 3rd Qtr - Sandy (Skitterbug)

    In flight insect photos, even when they are partially resting on a flower, are very difficult; so well done to get these.

  17. #37
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    Re: 2018 Project 52 - 3rd Qtr - Sandy (Skitterbug)

    Quote Originally Posted by Geoff F View Post
    In flight insect photos, even when they are partially resting on a flower, are very difficult; so well done to get these.
    Thank you very much Geoff!

  18. #38
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    Re: 2018 Project 52 - 3rd Qtr - Sandy (Skitterbug)

    Week 31 - Dragon Flies - I'm posting early because I may be more busy than usual the next few days....yep, the grand-kids are coming for a visit!

    The martins were catching the dragonflies to feed their young so I know they were around. They just weren't visiting our koi pond. Finally starting the first part of July, I spotted some for attempted photos. The following are ones that I thought decent enough to post.

    The first photo had some extra PP done to it. Hopefully I wasn't too heavy handed. I thought it was an interesting dragon fly because it was busy testing the lily pads and the water around them. I suppose the reason might be thoughts of egg laying? Or maybe it was simply thirsty.

    #1 - F/8.0 - 1/1600ss - ISO1250

    2018 Project 52 - 3rd Qtr - Sandy (Skitterbug)

    The rest of these just had the usual kind of PP done to them.

    #2 - f/11 - 1/1600ss - ISO640

    2018 Project 52 - 3rd Qtr - Sandy (Skitterbug)

    #3 - f/11 - 1/1600 - ISO800

    2018 Project 52 - 3rd Qtr - Sandy (Skitterbug)

    #4 - f/5.6 - 1/2000 - ISO1000

    2018 Project 52 - 3rd Qtr - Sandy (Skitterbug)

  19. #39
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    Re: 2018 Project 52 - 3rd Qtr - Sandy (Skitterbug)

    Quote Originally Posted by skitterbug View Post
    Week 31 - Dragon Flies - I'm posting early because I may be more busy than usual the next few days....yep, the grand-kids are coming for a visit!

    The martins were catching the dragonflies to feed their young so I know they were around. They just weren't visiting our koi pond. Finally starting the first part of July, I spotted some for attempted photos. The following are ones that I thought decent enough to post.

    The first photo had some extra PP done to it. Hopefully I wasn't too heavy handed. I thought it was an interesting dragon fly because it was busy testing the lily pads and the water around them. I suppose the reason might be thoughts of egg laying? Or maybe it was simply thirsty.

    #1 - F/8.0 - 1/1600ss - ISO1250

    2018 Project 52 - 3rd Qtr - Sandy (Skitterbug)

    The rest of these just had the usual kind of PP done to them.

    #2 - f/11 - 1/1600ss - ISO640

    2018 Project 52 - 3rd Qtr - Sandy (Skitterbug)

    #3 - f/11 - 1/1600 - ISO800

    2018 Project 52 - 3rd Qtr - Sandy (Skitterbug)

    #4 - f/5.6 - 1/2000 - ISO1000

    2018 Project 52 - 3rd Qtr - Sandy (Skitterbug)
    Your dragon-fly pictures are superb Sandy Great job!

  20. #40
    Cantab's Avatar
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    Re: 2018 Project 52 - 3rd Qtr - Sandy (Skitterbug)

    Sandy, when I saw the first photo my immediate reaction was "Wow!". I think it's because of the sharpness of the focus on most of the dragonfly and the colours in the photo.

    What lens were you using? I have a vague recollection of your saying that you often use your 100-400m.

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