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Thread: Software for scanning? Epson vs Vue Scan vs Silver Fast

  1. #1

    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    Portland OR

    Software for scanning? Epson vs Vue Scan vs Silver Fast

    Hello photographers who scan negatives:

    I have recently purchased an Epson V550 and a glass negative holder (because 6x6 negatives are difficult to flatten). I have used the Epson-included software. What are the advantages, if any, of Silver Fast or Vue Scan. I shoot mostly with Portra and some Tri-X, both 35mm and 6x6. I edit the images in Lightroom so can make adjustments there. At this point I view the scanning software as just that, achieving a scan representative of the negative I'm scanning.

    Thanks in advance for wisdom and knowledge. People on this forum are generous and I appreciate it.

    Roberta Margolis

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    South Devon, UK

    Re: Software for scanning? Epson vs Vue Scan vs Silver Fast

    I just make a few basic adjustments in the way of brightness and colour correction, where necessary, using Curves etc, then scan directly to a holding file; from which I do all my editing with a proper photo editor. I use Adobe Photoshop CC but Lightroom would make a suitable alternative.

    The editing software which comes with a scanner won't be as good as Lightroom etc anyway.

    I always disable any of the auto 'improvements' before scanning.

  3. #3

    Join Date
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    Norfolk, UK
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    Re: Software for scanning? Epson vs Vue Scan vs Silver Fast

    silverfast uses IR or total black to detect dust and repair the image. Slows down scanning considerably.

  4. #4

    Join Date
    Jul 2014
    Nature Coast of Florida, USA
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    Re: Software for scanning? Epson vs Vue Scan vs Silver Fast

    The quality of the scan is most important to me. I've used Epson scanners and printers since the printer was an 8 pin dot matrix and Epson makes very good products. Most cost increases in scanners today are more about speed of scan than quality of scan.
    For me I want a straight scanner without any processing since I'm going to feed the file into Photoshop.

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