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Thread: Backgrounds on the cheap!

  1. #1
    rpcrowe's Avatar
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    Backgrounds/Reflectors on the cheap!

    I just finished making my wife a quilt display board using 2-inch 4 x 8 foot polystyrene insulation board and while I was doing so, I thought that these boards would make great backgrounds and/or reflectors for folks who have the space to store and use them. I guess that I am not the only person to have this idea...

    The insulation boards that I used came from a Lowe's Home Improvement Store but, Home Depot and just about any place selling construction materials should have them.

    The boards that I used are aluminum on one side and white (with a printed plastic material) on the other side. This plastic is a moisture barrier when using the boards as insulation in buildings and can be carefully peeled off to reveal a flat white surface. This gives you a double sided reflector...

    The boards can be painted with flat paint of various colors for use as backgrounds and can be cut in half to make a more easily handled smaller background or reflector. You can also cut these in a circle to use as a reflector that will provide round catchlights.

    The boards can be fastened to any light stand with clamps or the full size boards can be used with cheap shelving L brackets as feet to make a free standing unit.

    As I said, you need a large space to use and store these boards but, if you have the room, they are a neat way to get reflectors and backgrounds on the cheap...

    I didn't use Gaffer's Tape to bind the edges and make hinges for the foamboard, instead I used Gorilla Tape to fabricate my wife's quilt display board. Gaffer's Tape is great when you want a tape that you can remove without leaving any residue but, for permanent use Gorilla Tape is more secure, comes in several colors - including white, black and silver and at about $15 USD a roll for the 3-inch tape (actually 2.88 inches), is considerably less expensive than the Gaffer's Tape.

    Here is an idea from an Australian company which actually sells commercially made V flats constructed of insulation board.

    Viewing this video, I should think that anyone with a bit of DIY skill could replicate these V-flats that they sell. They could be kept and used in a smaller space that the full size 4 x 8 foot board flats.

    There are lots of other U-Tube videos about foamboard projects. This one talks about the colors Sue Bryce paints the boards for background use...
    Last edited by rpcrowe; 6th July 2018 at 11:32 PM.

  2. #2

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    Re: Backgrounds/Reflectors on the cheap!

    The chap who taught me about photography used to invite any neighbours who were doing any painting to wipe their brushes out on one of his walls. It made a terrific background.

  3. #3
    rpcrowe's Avatar
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    Re: Backgrounds/Reflectors on the cheap!

    My wife can paint some lovely mottled backgrounds. However, she hates doing it. When I try to paint them, they look just like spilled paint...

    I purchased this low price vinyl backdrop but, have not received it yet!

    The seller states that there should be no problems getting out the shipping creases. However, I suspect that in this case the operative word might be "should"... If "should" becomes "could" I might purchase one or two more in different colors...

  4. #4

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    Re: Backgrounds/Reflectors on the cheap!

    Hang your pvc background vwertcally and leave in the sun, preferably with a light weight pulling down the bottom. Creases will fall out. To store roll them up round a core.

    It is also possible to get Tyvek printed with a design or even your own image, for use as a background.
    Last edited by loosecanon; 11th July 2018 at 12:06 PM.

  5. #5
    rpcrowe's Avatar
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    Re: Backgrounds/Reflectors on the cheap!

    Quote Originally Posted by loosecanon View Post
    Hang your pvc background vwertcally and leave in the sub, preferably with a light weight pulling down the bottom. Creases will fall out. To store roll them up round a core.
    Great tip... Thanks...
    I would expect that clamping two pieces of 1x2 inch wood (25mm x 50mm) of the requisite length with the edges of the vinyl sandwiched between at the top and the bottom of the background material might be a way to get it to hang straight without creases.

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