Thanks everyone, I very much appreciate the feedback.
You are welcome on the shooting info. The stars were numerous and as I was intending to blend for trails as opposed to a time lapse of the milky way, I really only wanted to collect the brightest stars without too much clutter, so chose the western sky and kept the ISO lower and closed my aperture more than I would typically for my night sky images.
Hope you get clear skies soon. I'll be trying to make the most of mine in the coming few months as I'll be moving back to the higher light pollution of South-east Queensland at the end of the year.

I do too. A friend challenged me to try a star trail for something different (for me), and so I did, (well I will have once I process it :-/ ). I couldn't help myself though, I ensured I still got a milky way and got in this bit of light painting to have some balance to the pics I brought home. It was an excellent night under the stars really.