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Thread: Come September I'll be buying a macro fous rail. A little help if you please

  1. #1

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    Come September I'll be buying a macro fous rail. A little help if you please

    Here's the criteria;

    I need a rail that is light, will allow adjustment in both the X and Y axis, has fine and coarse adjustment knobs (larger is better) with both knobs on the right hand side if that is possible. A quick release would be nice and it needs to play nicely with my Slick Pro 700dx. Price range, hopefully under $300.00 US.

    I am able to nudge my camera and tripod and get very close to 1x1 but I want that final perfectly set up focus that is just so hard to get with a nudge and a prayer.

    The Velbon is used by some macroists that produce excellent work. but there may well be better rails.

    Thanks for the help.

    PS here's the B&H transcript.

    Case Number: 25965542
    Question: is the Velbon macro ail better than the Oben macro rail

    ------------Begin Transcript------------
    Kirk R: Hello Brian, my name is Kirk R and I will be glad to assist you. Please give me a few moments to begin working on your inquiry.
    Me: ok
    Kirk R: Thanks for waiting. Despite the lesser amount of reviews on it, I think the Oben MFR4-5 Macro Focusing Rail B&H # OBMFR45 is better since it offers a quick release system for the camera, while the Velbon Super Mag Slider Macro Rail - Magnesium B&H # VESUPRMGSLID only offers a fixed camera base with a screw.
    Me: ok I use a slik pro 700 dx wit a circular quick release system will the Oben work with my tripod
    Kirk R: Yes it will.
    Me: thanks for the help
    Kirk R: You're welcome. Is there anything else I can help you with today?
    Me: nope, thanks
    Kirk R: Thanks for choosing B&H.
    ------------End Transcript--------! ----

  2. #2
    rpcrowe's Avatar
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    Re: Come September I'll be buying a macro fous rail. A little help if you please

    The Velbon Super Mag Rail runs under $100 USD used on eBay and new ones run from $129-150 USD from China...

    I have no experience with this rail. I own the Minolta rail which has only fore and aft adjustments but, is as solid as a rock when locked down and the movements are quite smooth.

  3. #3
    Shadowman's Avatar
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    Re: Come September I'll be buying a macro fous rail. A little help if you please


    Comments on ease of use would only be subjective, hands on or perhaps a visual would serve you better in determining how well knobs adjust, I have a rail that adjusts reasonably well but I suspect as time goes on the gears and tracks will lose their fluid motion. I've had it for years and never thought about oiling it, might be a good idea to ask Kirk what are the maintenance requirements for the unit he is recommending, what are some troubleshooting issues other customers have faced, see if B & H has an videos of the rail being used under real world conditions, what are the optimum environmental conditions temperature/relative humidity).

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    Re: Come September I'll be buying a macro fous rail. A little help if you please

    Quote Originally Posted by Shadowman View Post

    Comments on ease of use would only be subjective, hands on or perhaps a visual would serve you better in determining how well knobs adjust, I have a rail that adjusts reasonably well but I suspect as time goes on the gears and tracks will lose their fluid motion. I've had it for years and never thought about oiling it, might be a good idea to ask Kirk what are the maintenance requirements for the unit he is recommending, what are some troubleshooting issues other customers have faced, see if B & H has an videos of the rail being used under real world conditions, what are the optimum environmental conditions temperature/relative humidity).
    I'll do that

  5. #5
    rpcrowe's Avatar
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    Re: Come September I'll be buying a macro fous rail. A little help if you please


    You have probably seen these videos but, they might be worthwhile to view if you have not seen them...

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    Re: Come September I'll be buying a macro fous rail. A little help if you please

    I have a Velbon macro rail, but only recently started using it with MPE65 macro lens. At 5x magnification works OK. I use a Manfrotto quick release on the rail, and the screw on the lens. At 5x at f16 the DOF is only 0.269mm so I use live view, and are prepared to stack images. At 1x magnification the DOF is 2.24mm which is almost hand hold.

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    Re: Come September I'll be buying a macro fous rail. A little help if you please

    Quote Originally Posted by Ken MT View Post
    I have a Velbon macro rail, but only recently started using it with MPE65 macro lens. At 5x magnification works OK. I use a Manfrotto quick release on the rail, and the screw on the lens. At 5x at f16 the DOF is only 0.269mm so I use live view, and are prepared to stack images. At 1x magnification the DOF is 2.24mm which is almost hand hold.
    Not for me it isn't.

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    Re: Come September I'll be buying a macro fous rail. A little help if you please

    Quote Originally Posted by rpcrowe View Post

    You have probably seen these videos but, they might be worthwhile to view if you have not seen them...
    I have seen a few of them. Thanks you!

  9. #9
    DanK's Avatar
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    Re: Come September I'll be buying a macro fous rail. A little help if you please

    Just a warning that while a rail may be helpful for you, it doesn't entirely solve the problems of close-focus composition. It will allow you to make fine adjustments front-to-back and side-to-side, and it will give you an alternative way of making the small focus adjustments needed for stacking. (In my experience, the latter isn't needed for work up to a bit more than 1:1; turning the lens barrel works fine. At high levels of magnification, however, the greater precision of adjustments with a rail could be very helpful, and some expensive rails allow one to automate specific changes in focus.)

    What a rail doesn't do is allow you to make fine rotational adjustments--rotating up or down, rotating side to side, or tilting the camera. In coarser work, these can all be done fine with a ball head, but the slop in a ball head (e.g., the sag after releasing the camera) is too great for close-focus work. One can get the framing one wants, but it can be frustrating, time-consuming, and approximate. I use rotation on all three planes all the time in doing studio macro.

    To get fine control over rotation, you need a geared head. Unfortunately, as far as I know, there aren't many of these, and they are expensive. I use this one, with a Hejnar adapter to make it arca-swiss compatible, but it's really expensive. Perhaps with some searching online you could find either a cheaper one or a used one.

    This is not a reason not to buy a rail--just a heads-up before you buy one that a rail will still leave you will some framing difficulties at very close distances.

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    Re: Come September I'll be buying a macro fous rail. A little help if you please

    Quote Originally Posted by DanK View Post
    Just a warning that while a rail may be helpful for you, it doesn't entirely solve the problems of close-focus composition. It will allow you to make fine adjustments front-to-back and side-to-side, and it will give you an alternative way of making the small focus adjustments needed for stacking. (In my experience, the latter isn't needed for work up to a bit more than 1:1; turning the lens barrel works fine. At high levels of magnification, however, the greater precision of adjustments with a rail could be very helpful, and some expensive rails allow one to automate specific changes in focus.)

    What a rail doesn't do is allow you to make fine rotational adjustments--rotating up or down, rotating side to side, or tilting the camera. In coarser work, these can all be done fine with a ball head, but the slop in a ball head (e.g., the sag after releasing the camera) is too great for close-focus work. One can get the framing one wants, but it can be frustrating, time-consuming, and approximate. I use rotation on all three planes all the time in doing studio macro.

    To get fine control over rotation, you need a geared head. Unfortunately, as far as I know, there aren't many of these, and they are expensive. I use this one, with a Hejnar adapter to make it arca-swiss compatible, but it's really expensive. Perhaps with some searching online you could find either a cheaper one or a used one.

    This is not a reason not to buy a rail--just a heads-up before you buy one that a rail will still leave you will some framing difficulties at very close distances.
    For now I'm content with the adjustments I can make with my 3 way pan and tilt that came with my slik tripod. Where I'm having trouble is getting the 1x1 nailed where i want it nailed.

    Which is why I'm looking at rails. I can get to 1x1.5 consistently but anything closer is a struggle.

    If a rail, any rail will help me to put the focus latterly just where I want it and allow me to fine tune to 1x1 without picking up and moving my tripod I'll be a happy camper.

  11. #11

    Re: Come September I'll be buying a macro fous rail. A little help if you please

    Instead of placing camera on an XY base position the subject on the XY base for precise adjustment. Have you looked at WEMACRO rail and assorted accessories?

  12. #12
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: Come September I'll be buying a macro fous rail. A little help if you please

    Quote Originally Posted by TallTree View Post
    Instead of placing camera on an XY base position the subject on the XY base for precise adjustment. Have you looked at WEMACRO rail and assorted accessories?
    You might look at the dates on the threads. This one has not had any activity in almost a year.

  13. #13
    rpcrowe's Avatar
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    Re: Come September I'll be buying a macro fous rail. A little help if you please

    What has happened to Brian?

  14. #14
    Cantab's Avatar
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    Re: Come September I'll be buying a macro fous rail. A little help if you please

    Quote Originally Posted by rpcrowe View Post
    What has happened to Brian?
    Your question set me wondering as well. With a bit of internet digging I discovered that a couple of Brian's blogs that I was aware of have been shut down but I also came across a blog with recent macro photos by Brian.

  15. #15

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    Re: Come September I'll be buying a macro fous rail. A little help if you please

    Quote Originally Posted by Cantab View Post
    ...I also came across a blog with recent macro photos by Brian.
    I found his blog some months back. He posts macro images almost daily. His health may possibly no longer allow him the luxury of being active in forums, or he just got tired of it all and pulled back. There is now a dangling link or two (no content) on his web page , but the Blog has a post from today (June 17, 2019).
    Odd S.

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