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Thread: Project 52: Week 30, more insect close-ups

  1. #1
    billtils's Avatar
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    Project 52: Week 30, more insect close-ups

    Another week where I did not manage to get out and about, but here are three images from the garden using the 300 + TC. Not sure if I should call these macro or just close-ups .

    A bee, almost in flight. I could see it was about to move and fired off a quick burst but it was even quicker so this is the one and only with the bee in the frame and in focus :

    Project 52:  Week 30, more insect close-ups

    Next, sorry to be boring, but it's another marmalade hoverfly. These have been all over the place this year, but I haven't seen any other variety so far.

    Project 52:  Week 30, more insect close-ups

    The last of the set is a male Garden spider (Araneus diadematus). It was dangling from a thread in the organic waste bin, a few feet above the top of the assorted garden clippings. It was in the shade - quite dark - and this was shot with a ring flash. The geometry of the setting meant I could not position myself to get everything lined up parallel to the sensor plane so the image is not as sharp as I'd like but at least it's not a bee, hoverfly or butterfly .

    Project 52:  Week 30, more insect close-ups

  2. #2
    Shadowman's Avatar
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    Re: Project 52: Week 30, more insect close-ups

    Nice series.

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