Just a great two-part series.
Nice ones.
Very good real life action shot.
Really wonderful. Thanks for sharing. That first one with the water splashing up... fantastic.
Oh wow... just sensationalGreat action shots... love them. I especially like the low to the water angle, and of course, tack sharp with frozen droplets. This really showcases their dexterity hanging on with one leg. Wonderful!
So, what length were you shooting at? Were you perched on a bank or in the water? Do you find a single af, or group of points works best for you? Or another focus technique?
Great work and thanks for sharing!
I was in a boat that was drifting via a paddle for easy move in access, as far as we could get without getting hung up on a stump. I generally use Group Area Focus and if I need to go to single point, I do so with my pinkie finger on the manual focus ring while holding down the AF button. This series was at about 500mm from a distance of 25 feet. There are a total of 8 shots in the series from the time he made his spot, until he consumed the fish all in the time frame of about 10 seconds.
agree with everyone, very nice