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Thread: Error Code 159E

  1. #1
    Shadowman's Avatar
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    Error Code 159E

    Epson P5000 printer
    This seems to be my month for equipment errors, first my camera and now my printer. I was in the process of printing on single sheet photo paper and this code popped up, LCD stated "turn off printer and if this doesn't help contact for service." When I turned printer back on LCD said to clear paper and the only paper that seemed to be interfering was the roll paper so I cleared by releasing the guide and the single sheet started to print as it should have. I found the code explanation below but it doesn't seem to fit the issue I was having except instructions to the printer were obviously crossed (roll paper instead of sheet fed). Just thought I'd share in case some else gets similar code.

    Code: 159E
    Velocity deviation error
    The ATC MOTOR was driven at a speed abnormally faster than a predetermined one during acceleration or deceleration. • Irregular load • ATC MOTOR encoder failure • ATC MOTOR failure • ATC MOTOR driver failure
    Last edited by Shadowman; 29th July 2018 at 08:35 PM.

  2. #2
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: Error Code 159E

    Looks to me that you have another problem that requires servicing.

    Shutting down the printer and restarting it would clear any error conditions. As an error condition still exists, it does sound like a hardware failure that requires a trip to Epson for servicing.

  3. #3
    Shadowman's Avatar
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    Re: Error Code 159E

    I sent in an inquiry to Epson.

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