I didn't expect anything. I doubted that what
you where doing was right, multiplying the pixel value to simulate another exposure. That means the assumptions in that thread where all wrong.
And I'm still not convinced. As said before in an A/D conversion you have a range and a divider. That divider can be anything, 8 bit, 12 bit etc. But that range is specific for the sensor. It covers the dynamic range of it be it 10 or 15 stops just to say something.
This use of the gamma correction is still something I don't understand. But let that be another discussion/lesson.
I don't believe you can use pixel values to calculate with as you did and do.
When I remember well it was Reichmanns article of ETTR where he used this. The last stop covers the pixel values 127-255, the second last stop 64-127 etc. Strange, mostly nothing disappears on the internet, but this does.