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Thread: From Bridge CC 2018; only offers open with PS CC 2017 ... ?

  1. #1
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    From Bridge CC 2018; only offers open with PS CC 2017 ... ?

    Let me clarify the cryptic thread title

    I have a PS CC subscription and had PS CC 2017 installed.

    When PS CC 2018 was released, I installed it too, but had it leave CC 2017 in situ, in case of problems - and for comparison.

    Now; when I use Bridge (which is the 2018 version), the right click open offer is only for CC 2017.

    If I manually change the individual file type associations (in Bridge Preferences), I can, and have, made it offer PS 2018 for jpg, psd, etc. instead, but there are loads of other image file types that still only offer PS 2017.

    Surely there's a way to effect this change so that all image file types currently defaulting to CC 2017 can offer CC 2018, or better still, both?

    I can't find it in Bridge Preferences, anyone know where to look?

    I really don't want to start messing about un-installing CC 2017 to achieve this.

    Thanks in advance,

  2. #2
    DanK's Avatar
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    Re: From Bridge CC 2018; only offers open with PS CC 2017 ... ?

    I don't use Bridge. However, I have noticed that while the Bridge preferences list these as "file associations," they are not the OS file associations. For example, on my laptop, Bridge has Photoshop listed as the association for JPEGs, but I have the OS file association for JPEGs set to Irfanview, and if I double-click on a JPEG image, it opens in Irfanview.

    So if this is any indication, the Bridge "file associations" mean only "open in program X from within Bridge." In that case, why not just set the few file types you need to open in Photoshop from within Bridge? For my use, most of the file types associated with Photoshop in the Bridge preferences are entirely irrelevant. All I need are the two raw formats I use, TIFF, and JPEG. Maybe PNG also. Then you can ignore the rest until the next time you are ready to upgrade.

  3. #3
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: From Bridge CC 2018; only offers open with PS CC 2017 ... ?

    That's pretty much what I have done Dan,

    Although you remind me I overlooked png and tiff, having done so for psd, jpg, nef, raf - the file types I commonly use.

    I'm just starting out using Bridge, after using Nikon's View NX (and Transfer), mainly so I can get better previewing of folders and have collections.

    Thing is; I have already 'upgraded' - PS CC 2018 is there, but is being ignored by Bridge 2018, which is just bizarre IMO as they're both "2018". Just another quirk I guess.

    Undoubtedly fixable if I uninstalled PS CC 2017 (and possibly reinstalled PS CC 2018), but as said, I don't want to go that route - it's not so broke I need to risk making things worse by trying to fix it

    Just that if anyone knew a simple setting somewhere that could be changed, I'd do that.


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