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Thread: On1 2018.5, opinions, critics and advices

  1. #1
    PhilT's Avatar
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    On1 2018.5, opinions, critics and advices

    Hello everyone,
    I already posted this question on a previous thread, but it seems it was unnoticed and did not get reactions, I hope it was not because it was unrelevant
    "Be happy to have in depth feedback from ON1 2018 users, eventually if he can compete with Lightroom as a standalone RAW editor.
    I have ON1 2017, because the first reactions about ON1 2018 I prefered not to upgrade till the issues are cleared."

    I hesitate between moving to the last Lightroom subscription (I have an old LR5 version that I use a lot for routine basic PP of RAW pictures I select for print albums, but I found there is lot of useful improvements since), or taking the promos for upgrade to On1 2018.5 for using it instead as a standalone. I must specify that I'm a quite average photographer without the expert skills of so many people here
    Thans a lot in advance to everyone who can help (I know that the CiC community is made from wonderful people that are always ready to help , PhilT

  2. #2
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: On1 2018.5, opinions, critics and advices

    Philippe - the reason you got no answer last time is that the OnOne product has a reasonably small market share and the number of users is limited.

    I am in charge of the Education Committee at my photography club (over 200 members) and we did a program (that we are looking to continue this year) on the alternatives to Adobe products for editing work. Phase One's Capture One was the one that had a decent sized user base and there was a smattering of other converter that members used, from the one that shipped with their camera (Canon DPP, Nikon View and Sony (which ships with a version of Capture One for Sony cameras) had some users and there were a few DxO PhotoLab users as well as some that used the Corel and ACDSee software. I do not recall anyone using the OnOne raw converter.

    We did an introductory workshop on Capture One. We are considering doing a workshop on the DxO products, now that the Nik suite is owned by DxO and we are also looking at a workshop on Serif Infinity. We did cover off the Lightroom / Photoshop plugins that OnOne puts out, but their raw converter is not on our list of topics.

  3. #3
    davidedric's Avatar
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    Re: On1 2018.5, opinions, critics and advices

    Hi Philippe,

    I'm sure Manfred is right. I've used On1 products as a plug-in to Lightroom for quite a while, though as Lightroom's capabilities have developed I use I use it less and less. I really don't need another RAW developer (I use DxO when I think Lightroom isn't up to it).

    I do find it amusing that if Adobe had produced a product as ridden with issues as On1 RAW they would have been pilloried, but these guys seem to survive it.

    Incidentally, and completely off topic, we'll be in Israel in October for a family wedding. A week in Jerusalem and a few days in the North of the country.


  4. #4

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    Re: On1 2018.5, opinions, critics and advices

    Manfred, curious to know if your photography club might have run the rule over Serif's Affinity photo editing software as an alternative to Adobe's offerings. My experience of their software is good although I've only used a trial version of Affinity Photo. I'm awaiting the launch of Affinity Publisher as I also do some DTP work. I suspect it will turn out to be a good product.

  5. #5
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: On1 2018.5, opinions, critics and advices

    Quote Originally Posted by Acorn View Post
    Manfred, curious to know if your photography club might have run the rule over Serif's Affinity photo editing software as an alternative to Adobe's offerings. My experience of their software is good although I've only used a trial version of Affinity Photo. I'm awaiting the launch of Affinity Publisher as I also do some DTP work. I suspect it will turn out to be a good product.
    It's a topic we are thinking about offering if we can find a qualified user who is able to present the subject well. I used it as a trial version last year and came away reasonably impressed with the software, although I did find the raw converter to be weak.

    My personal problem with it is that I use several Adobe products; Premiere Pro, After Effects, Illustrator, InDesign, Audition, etc. There is, unfortunately, no other graphics suite available that addresses all my needs.

  6. #6
    PhilT's Avatar
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    Re: On1 2018.5, opinions, critics and advices

    Thanks a lot Dave. Indeed it really helps me to decide, according to your answer I think it could be wiser to go to the last Lightroom.

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