John, I am 'fond' of a matte paper (Permajet Matte Plus) which I use a lot for my stained glass imagery. I actually profile papers myself using a SpyderPrint system.
Comparison with the print profiles provided by the manufacturer are for most purposes perfectly adequate, provided I am printing to the appropriate recommended paper setting, eg Epson Archival Matt, and my results are ok.
I have produced my own profiles using say, a paper setting for a gloss paper rather than matte and achieved 'reasonable' results. But in general this has been an experimental process when I was testing papers not designed for inkjet (my rather amateurish ventures ito 'fine art printing using non standard media

I suspect that your prints coming out duller relates to your screen brightness and generating a test print appying a compensating brightness layer to the print version would help resolve the B/W print issue,
As regards the colour imige and variances in vividness, I think this is down to the way ink is dropped according to paper type. Since this is detemined by the profile you are using I would query if you changed the paper profile from matte to gloss to reflect the media type?
On my printer (Epson P600) I will only get a media warning about inkset if it is a paper loading issue, ie needs to be 'front loaded' because of paper thickness, otherwise I'm just notified that the printer is switching from Photo to Matte or vice versa.
I can't be sure, but are you certain it is the vibrance of your colours that is changing rather than overall brightness? If not, it may be that running a test print with an increased brightness (as for the B/W images) may actually be a solution.