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Thread: Footprints

  1. #1


    Hello guys, I made a trip and visited this place and when I got there, the tide was low, making footprints as foreground. What do you think? Do the footprints ruin the picture? (At the moment, I can´t go back there and take another shot with high tide).

    [IMG]FootprintsSanta Cruz by Alex´Moreira, no Flickr[/IMG]

  2. #2
    Shadowman's Avatar
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    Re: Footprints


    Did you post the right image, I don't see the footprints. Regardless, composition looks fine but the colors aren't that interesting and a bit too dark in places especially the foreground.

  3. #3

    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    South Devon, UK

    Re: Footprints

    This is one of those extremely difficult/almost impossible scenes to capture adequately with just one exposure setting. The low resolution image showing here does look a bit drab and 'muddy' but the Lightbox view shows a lot more detail and fine contrast levels.

    There are still a few areas of deep shadow but 'improvements' to this sort of scene often result in a rather washed out appearance so it is sometimes best to leave things as they are.

  4. #4

    Join Date
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    Re: Footprints

    Alex, a very nice composition but IMHO, the real beauty in this image is in the shadow areas but it needs bringing out. For me at least, it's the light that makes this not the footprints. I don't know what processing software you use but if you have a curves tool or something that will differentiate between highlights and shadow you can lift the darker areas and the low evening sunshine patches begin to show more. Something like :


    Hope this helps.

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