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Thread: Perception vs Reality and Truth

  1. #1

    Perception vs Reality and Truth

    If you haven't seen this already, here is a link to a story about Huawei, the phone maker, passing off images supposedly taken with its camera, but in fact taken with a Canon DSLR. To make it worse this is the second time it's got caught in the act...

  2. #2
    rpcrowe's Avatar
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    Re: Perception vs Reality and Truth

    And then there are some folks who consider removing a zit from a portrait subject's cheek as being untruthful...

  3. #3
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: Perception vs Reality and Truth

    I also remember a story that came out about 6 or 7 years ago when either Canon or Nikon (I can't remember which one) used images made with a Phase One camera in their print and on line advertising for their high end camera.

  4. #4

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    Re: Perception vs Reality and Truth

    Isn't it normal that the maker of an advertisement is using his own gear based on the demands of where the shots are meant to be used for?


  5. #5

    Re: Perception vs Reality and Truth

    Quote Originally Posted by george013 View Post
    Isn't it normal that the maker of an advertisement is using his own gear based on the demands of where the shots are meant to be used for?

    In this case the photo clearly and blatantly suggests that the image portrayed was taken by the cell phone, however in the image taken by the actor (the one that was quickly removed from social media but caught by DPR) one can see the actor's outstretched hand with nothing in it. The quality of the phone's camera was rather the point of the advert. The fact that the advertiser was using a different device of much higher quality is, let's face it, false advertising - and it's not the first time Huawei have been caught doing that...
    Last edited by Tronhard; 22nd August 2018 at 09:49 AM.

  6. #6

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    Re: Perception vs Reality and Truth

    Quote Originally Posted by Tronhard View Post
    In this case the photo clearly and blatantly suggests that the image portrayed was taken by the cell phone, however in the image taken by the actor (the one that was quickly removed from social media but caught by DPR) one can see the actor's outstretched hand with nothing in it. The quality of the phone's camera was rather the point of the advert. The fact that the advertiser was using a different device of much higher quality is, let's face it, false advertising - and it's not the first time Huawei have been caught doing that...
    It's an advertisement. They're not meant to believe their content strictly. I'm still waiting for all those lovely ladies hanging on my neck when using a certain body lotion. It never happens to me.. I wonder why.

    Something else would be in case of the other link, a specific picture showing a kind of quality. But even then I don't know the original story.


  7. #7

    Re: Perception vs Reality and Truth

    Sorry George, I'm not with you there... Over here, at least we have a thing called the Commerce Commission an agency that punishes advertisers for misleading ads such as this one. Maybe in Amsterdam it's OK, but I'm with the DPR comment "Huawei never specifically mentions what the ad was shot with, leaving a bit of room for leniency. But it's misleading at best, and downright false advertising at worst." When you look at the position of the actor's arm it clearly implies that the image is being taken with a smartphone, not a DSLR on a tripod, which is (let's be honest) a completely different situation and product. I would like to have some faith that the item they are pushing is actually what they are showing.

  8. #8

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    Re: Perception vs Reality and Truth

    Quote Originally Posted by Tronhard View Post
    Sorry George, I'm not with you there... Over here, at least we have a thing called the Commerce Commission an agency that punishes advertisers for misleading ads such as this one. Maybe in Amsterdam it's OK, but I'm with the DPR comment "Huawei never specifically mentions what the ad was shot with, leaving a bit of room for leniency. But it's misleading at best, and downright false advertising at worst." When you look at the position of the actor's arm it clearly implies that the image is being taken with a smartphone, not a DSLR on a tripod, which is (let's be honest) a completely different situation and product. I would like to have some faith that the item they are pushing is actually what they are showing.
    Of course there're rules in Holland too. I just don't know what the ad is showing, I can't understand or read it. So I'm not able to place it in a right perspective.
    In general a sensor size of a cell phone is quite small. That would practical mean one can't make any ad with an image from that phone. That would mean all ad's with an enlarged picture suggesting being made with that cell phone is either of bad quality or made with another instrument suited for that used media.

    What does that video show? Three selfies only with the accent probably more on the possibility then the quality. Most people making selfies are glad if they recognize them self.


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