In a mailing list ( there was a discussion of the pictures here: The OP admired the pictures and wondered how they were done. Were they "HDR" pictures?
The opinion was that the miraculous clear windows were done by pasting a background in Photoshop.
As for HDR it looks to me as if they are (saving the windows as mentioned).
But some people thought they were done in Photoshop (using layers and masks?)
and not with an HDR blending programme. Actually I could not follow the drift and my plaintive request for illumination was ignored (so far).
I have put two examples up at picture "photomatiux" was blended from two exposures using Photomatix 4.0. The picture layer_mask was done manually with Photoshop CS3. You can see the boundary where the underexposed image gives way to the normally exposed one. That's the sort of artefact I mean and think that something like that is going to appear if you try and manually blend in Photoshop via layers and masks. So it must have been with and HDR program. [[ Edit: I have removed the pictures from Flickr now 29/11/2010]]
But I am no expert at Photoshop!
Eager to see what people think .....