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Thread: Project 52; Week 35, Ladybird on Green Capsicum

  1. #1
    billtils's Avatar
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    Project 52; Week 35, Ladybird on Green Capsicum

    This is new to me, in that I've not photographed a Ladybird before.

    One of the advantages of living in a small(ish) rural(ish) town is that we still have some "old fashioned" shops, including a fruit and vegetable one. It is located just a short walk from the house and we buy quite a lot from there. The owner knows of my interest in photography and insect macros, and knocked on the door earlier today with a green capsicum in her hand - complete with ladybird.

    I took these outside with the 300+TC combo; the light wasn't bad but I bumped the ISO up to 500 because he/she/it was moving.

    Project 52; Week 35, Ladybird on Green Capsicum

    Project 52; Week 35, Ladybird on Green Capsicum

  2. #2
    Urbanflyer's Avatar
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    Re: Project 52; Week 35, Ladybird on Green Capsicum

    Quote Originally Posted by billtils View Post
    This is new to me, in that I've not photographed a Ladybird before.

    One of the advantages of living in a small(ish) rural(ish) town is that we still have some "old fashioned" shops, including a fruit and vegetable one. It is located just a short walk from the house and we buy quite a lot from there. The owner knows of my interest in photography and insect macros, and knocked on the door earlier today with a green capsicum in her hand - complete with ladybird.

    I took these outside with the 300+TC combo; the light wasn't bad but I bumped the ISO up to 500 because he/she/it was moving.

    Project 52; Week 35, Ladybird on Green Capsicum

    Project 52; Week 35, Ladybird on Green Capsicum
    Nice composition in the first one. My favorite critter in the insect kingdom!

  3. #3
    Shadowman's Avatar
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    Re: Project 52; Week 35, Ladybird on Green Capsicum

    Nice shots.

  4. #4
    skitterbug's Avatar
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    Re: Project 52; Week 35, Ladybird on Green Capsicum

    Hi Bill - I've tried several times to capture ladybirds but I usually have light reflection problems! Your photos are well done! How kind of the shop owner to provide "subjects" for you too! That's special!

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