A song by Manfred Mann, if I remember correctly. Settings for this were f6.0; ISO200; 155mms; 1/400sec. Can't understand why one leg seems thicker than the other?
Pretty Flamingo by Jim A, on Flickr
A song by Manfred Mann, if I remember correctly. Settings for this were f6.0; ISO200; 155mms; 1/400sec. Can't understand why one leg seems thicker than the other?
Pretty Flamingo by Jim A, on Flickr
I like it. Great capture. Which hurts me to have to praise a long white clouder!![]()
Nice shot, leg just looks that way because of foreshortening.
Nicely timed shot. I suspect that we're are seeing the right leg head on and the left leg from the side i.e. the legs aren't perfectly round in cross section, more oval.