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Thread: Has anyone got feedback on the Canon EF 70-200 L F4 MkII so far?

  1. #1

    Has anyone got feedback on the Canon EF 70-200 L F4 MkII so far?

    I am looking sideways at this lens but wondered if anyone in the forum has shot with one and give me some experiential feedback on its performance, strengths and weaknesses.

  2. #2
    DanK's Avatar
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    Re: Has anyone got feedback on the Canon EF 70-200 L F4 MkII so far?

    Nope, but there are some thorough reviews. You might find the one at useful. Apparently, this lens, unlike the new f/2.8 III, is a major upgrade. However, I haven't considered it. I have the first generation, and it is an excellent lens. I do have some lenses that have enough flaws that I keep my eyes out for a reasonable replacement, in particular, the 24-105 L generation 1. However, in the years I have had the 70-200, I have never pined for a replacement for it. The improvements are enough, however, and the price difference small enough (currently $200 US), that if my current one were stolen or run over by a truck, I would buy the II.

    That's a long way of saying 'no, I don't have experience.' Maybe should have had some coffee first. But check out the review I noted, if you haven't. And if you do buy one, I would be eager to hear what you think of it.

  3. #3
    rpcrowe's Avatar
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    Re: Has anyone got feedback on the Canon EF 70-200 L F4 MkII so far?

    My philosophy is "IF IT AIN'T BROKE - WHY FIX IT?" My 70-200mm f/4L IS (Version One) has always been my favorite lens and I use it on both my crop and full frame Canon DSLR cameras. I'm with Dan in saying that if I were buying new or needed to replace my present lens, I'd buy the new model. Until then, I am quite happy in all aspects with my present version.

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