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Thread: Hello there!

  1. #1
    LisaChapman88's Avatar
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    Hello there!

    Hi! My name is Lisa. I am from Southern England but, I live in Northern Illinois.
    I have been in the U.S for 6 years now and I love it!
    I have 2 children. A 5 year old girl and 4 year old boy. They are 80% of the photo's I take! I am now branching out into wildlife, weather etc.
    So far I've been using my phone to take all of my pictures, now I have a proper camera.
    This is going to be fun!

    It's nice to (virtually) meet you all.

  2. #2
    pnodrog's Avatar
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    Re: Hello there!

    Hi - enjoy the site. With my children unfortunately sometimes it seemed that I was photographing wildlife...
    Last edited by pnodrog; 27th September 2018 at 02:48 AM.

  3. #3
    Shadowman's Avatar
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    Re: Hello there!

    Welcome to the forum, looking forward to seeing your images.

  4. #4

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    Re: Hello there!

    Welcome to CiC, Lisa. I guess you've been here long enough to have figured out the more important stuff. Like how to (properly)spell color, honor, etc. We put useful stuff in bins rather than trash. Luggage doesn't fit in our boots. And we don't ride in lifts. Now prepare yourself. When your kids get a couple of years older and start playing sports, don't pass out if they come home one day and tell you the coach made them shag balls.

  5. #5
    LisaChapman88's Avatar
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    Re: Hello there!

    Quote Originally Posted by NorthernFocus View Post
    Welcome to CiC, Lisa. I guess you've been here long enough to have figured out the more important stuff. Like how to (properly)spell color, honor, etc. We put useful stuff in bins rather than trash. Luggage doesn't fit in our boots. And we don't ride in lifts. Now prepare yourself. When your kids get a couple of years older and start playing sports, don't pass out if they come home one day and tell you the coach made them shag balls.
    It's been 6 years and I am still shocked daily on how different things are, I still have a language barrier issue here and there!
    My 5 year old just started Kindergarten and she begged me to ride the bus, back home there was no bus to ride, parents either drove us to school or we walked! I was horrified. Now, it's all good but, that first week I was a shaking mess.

    P.S Ummm shag balls? o.O

  6. #6

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    Re: Hello there!

    Quote Originally Posted by LisaChapman88 View Post
    It's been 6 years and I am still shocked daily on how different things are, I still have a language barrier issue here and there!
    My 5 year old just started Kindergarten and she begged me to ride the bus, back home there was no bus to ride, parents either drove us to school or we walked! I was horrified. Now, it's all good but, that first week I was a shaking mess.

    P.S Ummm shag balls? o.O
    So which vocabulary do the kids use? Or adaptable little creatures that they are maybe they'll use one version at school and another at home.

    Here's a link explaining how we use the expression on this side of the pond.

    And surely with two kids you've already had someone refer to them as "cute little buggers". Oddly enough that's complimentary over here.

  7. #7
    LisaChapman88's Avatar
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    Re: Hello there!

    Quote Originally Posted by NorthernFocus View Post
    So which vocabulary do the kids use? Or adaptable little creatures that they are maybe they'll use one version at school and another at home.

    Here's a link explaining how we use the expression on this side of the pond.

    And surely with two kids you've already had someone refer to them as "cute little buggers". Oddly enough that's complimentary over here.
    Well now I know what a Ball Shagger is LOL.
    I call my kids cute lil buggers all the time! Other people generally have no idea what I am talking about. I let the kids use whichever vocabulary they like but, my husband wants them to be more American because he thinks they'll be bullied if they take their "mum talk" to school with them.
    Kids can be rather cruel so if they say something British that the other kids don't understand I suppose they could be teased about it. If not that, something else. *shrug*

    Certain things I can't stop like...
    Calling a Grocery Cart a Trolley
    A Trunk is a Boot
    Car Hood a Bonnet
    Gas Station a Petrol Station
    Parking Lot is Car Park
    Sweater is a Jumper
    Sneakers are Trainers

    Things like this will never leave me and I get laughed at for it DAILY!

  8. #8
    rpcrowe's Avatar
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    Re: Hello there!

    Quote Originally Posted by LisaChapman88 View Post
    It's been 6 years and I am still shocked daily on how different things are, I still have a language barrier issue here and there!
    My 5 year old just started Kindergarten and she begged me to ride the bus, back home there was no bus to ride, parents either drove us to school or we walked! I was horrified. Now, it's all good but, that first week I was a shaking mess.

    P.S Ummm shag balls? o.O
    Didn't Winston Churchill say something like, "Two peoples separated by a common language."

    Welcome abard!

  9. #9
    LisaChapman88's Avatar
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    Re: Hello there!

    Quote Originally Posted by rpcrowe View Post
    Didn't Winston Churchill say something like, "Two peoples separated by a common language."

    Welcome abard!
    He said a lot of things LOL.

    Thank you!

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