Interesting shot, John.
With no story supplied, it appears you invite viewers to make up their own. Yet I can't help but wonder what you saw at the moment you clicked, or what was in your mind.
Nice in monotone, and I guess a riot of color in color. Imagine the greenery background, the colors of the flag and costume, all completely ignored, apparently, by the lone passer-by.
Thanks for sharing.
Paso doble?
The character in costume probably would have made a good political image on its own but your patience and timing has paid off, John. You have good separation between the two subjects and I like the way the triangular bit on the flag points to the woman, seeming to tap her on the shoulder to say don't ignore this issue. Interesting body language going on in both of them too. Well done.
I used an online translator that was probably using old world Spanish, on another website ( passing was translated to pasada, the one I used translated to pasado. Throughout the years I've learned that what was taught in school doesn't translate the same on the streets and can often cause laughter when used.