Sandy, I agree with Andre.
I've been wondering why I prefer the angled shot of the tank. I think it's because the front end of the tank looks more menacing than the square on side view. (And tanks should give the impression of menacing threat.)
Printable View
I also prefer the corner shot. The composition is far better as the tank has a much more dynamc stance and the gun barrel has a more interesting angle within the frame. Also, the lighting on the wheels and tracks is better, as is the sky.
Very good processing too.
Hi André - Now that I can see the un-natural area, I think I have corrected the vertical repeating pattern. Hopefully, it looks better to everyone! :)
Also I appreciate the feedback you have given. It helps my efforts to improve! All suggestions are beneficial! :)
Hi Bruce - I've edited the side view and feel it is better now that the cloned area seems more realistic.
After working with both poses, I do agree that the angled shot is perhaps a bit better in presentation! There are definitely things to consider when photographing objects!
Thank you for your comments. :)
Week 45 - So on the same day as my attempts to photograph the tank, I also took on an army truck. Turns out my hubby drove one of these during training as well as during the time he was stationed in Germany. He said that it would accept any type of fuel so that made this truck versatile. And as it happens, this is one of the few time he's talked about his experiences. So I am multitasking with my photo hobby. :)
Army Truck = ISO100 - 1/125ss - f/13
Sandy, for me the photo works well. It's a good documentary image.
Sandy, I've held off commenting on this series.
For me camouflage = does not jump off the page and none of them caught my attention the way that so many of yours do. However, I can appreciate the excellent capture and processing so a big ✅ (note the use of colour to be sure it didn't get lost in the background :).
Hi Sandy,
I prefer the view from 45deg.
Hi Bruce - I'm glad this photo works for you. I've struggled with set-up and how to show the truck (and the tank) in the best possible situation. I'm not sure how much longer they will be available since the property, where they are located, has sold.
Thanks for commenting. :)
Hi Bill - So you are saying that the colours ought to be more muted? Or are you saying I should push the truck's colours more? The truck's paint job and the canvas is faded significantly.
Sorry that I am not understanding the direction you are headed!
Thanks for the "big plus" though! :)
Hello Sandy
None of the above! What I was trying to say was that these didn't hit me as "wow that's great" or "oops, there are some opportunities for improvement here", but that's because of the subject matter (camouflage) not because of anything on your part.
Hi Bill - Thanks for clarifying what you meant. I don't normally go after subjects such as these but for some reason I was drawn to them. You are correct, I do generally like more colorful subjects! :)
I appreciate your comments always! Keep them coming because I have a long way to go yet for understanding the complex subject of photography and how to accomplish it for good results! :)
Week 46 - Posted a day early because at the moment, I am not being pursued by a multitude of tasks. I feel like I'm at the start of a race and soon will be chased by all that needs doing before the family arrives for Thanksgiving celebrations.
One of the tasks that has nothing to do with holiday celebrations but needs doing before freezing weather is putting the koi pond "to bed" for the winter months. We have to shut down the waterfall by turning off the pump and draining the pipes that convey the water from the pond into the holding tank that overflows when filled, to create the falls.
Mr. Bullfrog will sit in the waterfall quite often and he also likes to hide in the holding tank. He wants to hibernate there but we can't allow it. He'd freeze! So each fall we scoop him up and put him back into the koi pond so he'll find another place to sleep.
This year, hubby put him on the rocks while we were working. Mr. B didn't move an inch. So then we put him in the sunshine for a bit to warm him up. You can see just how ambitious Mr. B was - not very! After the photograph session, I ran my finger down his back to check on how he was doing. He finally took exception to being handled and leaped, rather clumsily, into the pond and swam down to the deepest part. And no, I still haven't managed to capture a bullfrog leaping anywhere. Maybe next year....... <LOL>
On the Rocks! ISO-640 - f/5.6 - 1/320ss
By the edge of the pond and back On a Rock! ISO100 - f/7.1 - 1/125ss
Post #67, the angle of this shot makes for a slightly more dynamic shot than the tank. Nice effort.
Very lovely set of images...