I like the lake photo as well however that bit of brown shrubbery dead center is a bit worrisome, it just sits on the frame like a late theatre goer passing the screen.
Printable View
I like the lake photo as well however that bit of brown shrubbery dead center is a bit worrisome, it just sits on the frame like a late theatre goer passing the screen.
I wonder about a slight crop of the fungi photo. Possibly lose a little from the top; maybe a mix of crop and clone, so as to concentrate on the main area of attention without background distractions.
The tree looks fine to me.
Hi John - Perfect analogy! I'd shifted the crop when I first started PP - to move the tree right of center because I didn't like it smack dab in the middle. But I totally missed the shrub you spotted. I appreciate the suggestion you made. So I took steps to remedy the problem. :)
Edited Tree Photo
Hi Geoff - I gave your suggestion several different crop tries, a little cloning work and finally ended up with the photo posted below. Probably if I'd thought about it, I should have focused on the main clump more closely in the first place. But I was intrigued with how the flow of the fungi traveled along the log that was partially submerged in the lake. It was almost as if they were trying to escape from the murky depth of the lake! <my melodramatic thinking. lol> The crop does give this subject a completely new perspective. Better or worse?
Thanks for sharing your ideas! I appreciate it.
Yes, several crop options were available. That one works OK for me.
Week49 - I've seen this fellow several times but never while I am outside. He's hungry. There is a bird feeder nearby so I guess he thought he'd join the flock of birds for lunch. <chuckle>
I decided to see if I could capture a pic of him through the window glass. Post processing produced the following..... though not studio quality, I felt that these could be framed as small pictures if I wanted to display them.
Red Tail Hawk Screaming for his dinner to appear!
ISO250 - f/16 - 1/400
Red Tail Hawk staring at me! <Yikes>
ISO320 - f/16 - 1/320
Shooting through window glass isn't ideal, particularly with double glazed windows, but sometimes that is the only option and these are perfectly acceptable images.
I sometimes get a Sparrowhawk visiting my garden and my only option is also to shoot through windows. My latest Project 52 images are a squirrel which I initially photographed with my 70-200 lens through the window. Then I managed to slowly open the window and tried again with my 150-600 lens. After reviewing the results on my computer the through the window shots were quickly discarded; but they would have been keepers if I hadn't managed anything else.
The body of the bird came out fine in both images, the second image background is more pleasing than the first. Both can work as prints with a bit of cropping and a bit more work on the first images background.
These are good photos. Have you seen your hawk manage to catch his dinner?
Both shots are sharp and clear. Great captures!
Week 49: good captures Sandy ! I am not sure it is a redtail hawk ….
In the second picture I would be tempted to crop off the sky. No doubt he is 'interested' in you...:D:D
Hi Geoff - I doubt that I would have had any chance for photos of this hawk if I'd tried opening the window. He is even suspicious of any movement within the house. Trying to get a camera up and in action without him taking off is a miracle! So I take what I can get. Most of the time, I get haze in the photos but I can remove it. The dirt on the windows blend in with all the rest that is going on.
It kind of reminds me of times when I tried getting pics of zoo animals. Only those clear protectors between me and them are not glass and they are generally covered in fingerprints and dirt. Not ideal at all. I have a better chance for decent results photographing through my own windows. <lol>
I've been away a few days so I need to surf Cic and see your squirrels! We don't have any squirrels in our yard! Yet! We are starting to get pecans, hickory nuts and acorns on the more mature trees now, so I imagine the squirrels will come eventually! :)
Hi John - I totally agree about the background. It is not especially exciting or pleasing. Maybe I ought to save this work for the start of next year's project - original photo - and then results of PP. Or maybe I'll fiddle with it sooner. Depends on time. This month is especially hectic.
Thanks for commenting and giving ideas about improvements! :)
Hi Bruce - I have seen this hawk with a small bird clutched tightly in his talons! Haven't caught a pic of it though. He doesn't like to be watched and will fly to a hidden spot to munch! That's probably a good thing. I don't like watching feeding time! <chuckle>
Thanks for commenting! :)
Hi Joe - Thank you for the praise! Makes me smile! :)
Hi Rudi - I ought to research the species that this hawk belongs to. We do have several varieties in our area. I assumed he was a red tail based on his tail coloration. Maybe I ought to call him Mr. Hawk in keeping with my naming system! <lol>
I agree about losing the sky in the second photo. It doesn't add a thing and it is distracting.
Even thought I am much larger than he is, if he is hungry enough who knows whether he'd attack or not! I don't want to find out!
Thanks for the suggestions and approval. I appreciate it lots! :)
Sandy, your success with minimizing haze from shooting through a window has inspired me to deal with some recent shots I took through a window in circumstances where that was the only option. My plan is to post the results in due course.
I use Lightroom 6, which does not have a haze reduction option as LR CC does. But I believe you don't use LR or Photoshop but you've nonetheless been able to deal with much if not all of the window issue.
Hi Bruce - I often bring them into LR version 6.14 to start my process. Mine does have dehaze feature under the presets on the left side (see image) and this works fairly well. Affinity Photo also has the dehaze feature incorporated in the application. Hopefully, I'll establish a set routine as I develop next year's P52. Right now, I am too random about what PP choices I make and the order in which I apply them.
I'll definitely be interested in seeing your PP results. Before taking these hawk photos (and a few earlier photos) I never would have thought an acceptable image would be possible. It will never be as exacting perhaps as having a clear view but it is certainly better than missing the chance completely. <IMO>
Sandy, as a result of your comment I realized I should update my LR6.10 to 6.14. I've done that but don't see a dehaze in the presets. The image/link you posted for the preset location doesn't work on either my iPad or Desktop computer. Are you able to repost the screen shot? Many thanks.