Re: 2018 Project 52 - 4th Qtr - Sandy (Skitterbug)
Hi Geoff - Thank you for sharing your thoughts about the Extender. I'm still mulling the idea over. The online documentation says it is compatible with 100-400 lens that I would use it with but my lens is 4.5/5.6 so I may have problems on dreary days or less lighted situations. About the time I think I have pretty much what I need (or want), something else becomes interesting. Guess that is the nature of this photography beast! <chuckle>
Re: 2018 Project 52 - 4th Qtr - Sandy (Skitterbug)
Week 51
Apparently this hawk has found that our feeding area is a great place for his lunch needs! He is hidden on a branch just above the popular spot where the smaller birds gather. He is a bit more bold now and not quite so easily frightened away. I was able to open the door and aim around the edge to get this photo. Then he slipped on through the branches and flew across the field away from camera view. :)
Since the light coming through the trees was so bright, I decided to burn the highlighted area and then smudge it to blend the color just a bit.
Waiting for his next victim
Re: 2018 Project 52 - 4th Qtr - Sandy (Skitterbug)
Originally Posted by
I have considered a Canon Extender EF 1.4x III but the reviews don't inspire me. It sounds like some don't get very sharp focus with it - not good in low light conditions, etc. I'll keep reading what I can find about it and maybe sometime, I still may try it.
Sandy, you may find these threads of interest, both started by Trevor. The first sets the stage and has information you may find of interest: . It contains comments by myself as well as (and more helpfully) by Bill (William W) and others.
I subsequently lent my 1.4x extender to Trevor; at that time he was living in the same city as me. He posted his test results here: .
Re: 2018 Project 52 - 4th Qtr - Sandy (Skitterbug)
Hi Bruce - Totally fascinating threads and the discussions/photos tend to point in favor of the Extender EF 1.4x with the 100-400 lens. I read the cost that Trevor stated for the 7DMarkII/100-400 lens (cost listed with an extender added). I can say that I did not pay that price! <whew> I never would have purchased anything that expensive! :) Fortunately the camera was refurbished and the lens was reduced with a rebate. I'll probably hunt for a refurbished Extender as well but I'm still not in a big hurry to lay out the $$ for it. Maybe when springtime arrives..... But then again.... is it tempting! <LOL>
Thank you for the links to valuable information!
Re: 2018 Project 52 - 4th Qtr - Sandy (Skitterbug)
The hawk (week 51) looks fine, even though it was taken in difficult conditions.
Re: 2018 Project 52 - 4th Qtr - Sandy (Skitterbug)
Week 51, nicely captured.
Re: 2018 Project 52 - 4th Qtr - Sandy (Skitterbug)
Originally Posted by
Geoff F
The hawk (week 51) looks fine, even though it was taken in difficult conditions.
Hi Geoff - Thank you! This hawk is a beautiful bird! I didn't care for the twigs by his tail feathers but fortunately, they weren't heavy enough to block his feathers completely. Maybe if I'd have asked, he would have posed better for me. <LOL> Probably not.
Re: 2018 Project 52 - 4th Qtr - Sandy (Skitterbug)
Thank you for looking and commenting, John! <grin> I appreciate it!
Re: 2018 Project 52 - 4th Qtr - Sandy (Skitterbug)
Week 51: Love the hawk's pose, he is obvious looking at something...
Re: 2018 Project 52 - 4th Qtr - Sandy (Skitterbug)
Originally Posted by
Week 51: Love the hawk's pose, he is obvious looking at something...
Hi Rudi - Yep! Dinner! I'm glad you like him. He is somewhat elusive but I've been fortunate to see him more often than usual. :)
Thanks for commenting! :)
Re: 2018 Project 52 - 4th Qtr - Sandy (Skitterbug)
Nice capture Very clear and sharp. I am not familiar with the 'blurring' technique Will have to research it.
Re: 2018 Project 52 - 4th Qtr - Sandy (Skitterbug)
Originally Posted by
Nice capture Very clear and sharp. I am not familiar with the 'blurring' technique Will have to research it.
Hi Joe - I'm not super terrific at using the technique of blurring but I figure I have to start someplace. I forget which post processing app you use? But I imagine this is a fairly common tool.
Thanks for commenting. :)
Re: 2018 Project 52 - 4th Qtr - Sandy (Skitterbug)
Week 52 - I'm not sure how this final week of possible photo images will go. I may not have a chance to capture any more for the year. If I do, of course I'll post something but for now, this is what I have. This photo was part of the group that I took shooting through the window glass during the last week of November. I finally got to it today. I like the profile shot. It even shows a tiny bit of this fellow's last meal - under his beak. :)
ISO320 - F/16 - 1/500
The Mighty Hawk
Re: 2018 Project 52 - 4th Qtr - Sandy (Skitterbug)
Your hawk shots are really nice! You have come a long way in your proficiency with post as well as with initial capture!! Hope to see more in the new year!
Re: 2018 Project 52 - 4th Qtr - Sandy (Skitterbug)
Originally Posted by
Your hawk shots are really nice! You have come a long way in your proficiency with post as well as with initial capture!! Hope to see more in the new year!
Hi Judith - Thank you for the compliment! :)
Re: 2018 Project 52 - 4th Qtr - Sandy (Skitterbug)
That is good, Sandy. Plenty of fine detail visible.
Re: 2018 Project 52 - 4th Qtr - Sandy (Skitterbug)
Sandy, I agree with Judith and Geoff. This is a very good shot.
Re: 2018 Project 52 - 4th Qtr - Sandy (Skitterbug)
Thank you Geoff and Bruce! I appreciate your comments. :)
Re: 2018 Project 52 - 4th Qtr - Sandy (Skitterbug)
What an intense stare!
Merry Christmas Sandy!
Re: 2018 Project 52 - 4th Qtr - Sandy (Skitterbug)
Wonderful capture of the hummingbird! Definitely agreeing with what's been said before me, however, with the different crop and the smudge work, it's definitely improved a lot! I find my eyes straying across the image aimlessly a lot less now, and the bird has really turned into the most vocal part of this image.